Alarm clock translation error, German [answered]
asked 2014-01-02 12:17:09 +0200
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When going on, the alarm shows "Verwerfen" (English: Dismiss) for turning off (as opposed to snoozing). While I am not sure whether "Dismiss" is a good English term for this (I would rather expect "Off" or "Alarm off"), in German it is rather misleading. It should read "Aus" or (better:) "Wecker aus".
Edit: Due to a comment and checking the N900: Alternative to "Aus"/"Wecker aus", the wording "Stopp" may be used, to cater for people expecting a "total switch off" of all alarm functions when they select "Wecker aus".
Venty is right. "Dismiss" is only for the ongoing alarm. Alarm instance will stay in Clock alarm list and stay active if it is repeating alarm.
pvilja ( 2014-01-02 13:43:19 +0200 )edit