Email contact or people lookup doesn't work first time [duplicate]
This is a weird one, but I suspect it has to do with some kind of caching. Let's assume that you have a bunch of contacts in your people application (~500), and that includes John Doe. He's your friend and you want to email him, here's what you do:
1. Open the Mail application (it has to be fresh).
2. Start a new email.
3. Type quickly "john" in the To field. This has to be done quickly, no excuses!
4. You'll see that no suggestions are made.
5. Now hit the backspace, and you'll see your friend John Doe appearing as a suggestion
EDIT (inspired by sp3000): you don't need to type fast in point 3.
EDIT: dupe of: Can't delete due to upvotes, sorry :-(
The reason I'm saying that this may be related to caching is that once you've done this, no matter how quickly you type "john" afterwards, it will always give you a suggestion, and not just for John Doe, for anybody else under the letter J.
Try again with another friend that starts with another letter, and you'll see the same behaviour.
I can type as slowly as I like (say, 10s per character) without getting any results — until backspace. (~100 contacts, apparently 6 with email addresses atm :D) Consider retitling to a more specific "Contact autocomplete doesn't work first time after launching email app" or such
sp3000 ( 2014-01-02 16:09:29 +0200 )editThanks, good suggestion. Didn't do autocomplete as it's longer than lookup, but the idea is there.
gabriel ( 2014-01-02 16:28:50 +0200 )editYeap, you are right, and that question didn't show up in my search. grrrr. Can you convert to answer? I'll delete the question shortly.
gabriel ( 2014-01-02 17:24:53 +0200 )edit