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No notification from missed calls. No SMS received.

asked 2015-05-05 07:09:50 +0200

Robin gravatar image

updated 2015-05-05 07:13:41 +0200


I had this mysterious problem 3 days ago before upgrading to 1.1.4 / Äijänpäivänjärvi.

The 3 main problems that occured are:

  1. Call could come through, but when I missed it, it didn't go into notifications, or call history. There was no way to know that I had missed a call.
  2. I couldn't receive any SMS, I recived nothing. Also no way to know that I have missed an SMS.
  3. Email app stopped receiving emails https://together.jolla.com/question/91779/email-settings-complain-that-email-is-not-installed-when-it-is/

Those 3 problems never happened to me before after 4 months of usage, and it just happened all at once. Then again it is possible that the call and SMS issue occured before and I didn't know about it.

Those 3 things seem to have happened after I hooked up to a windows machine (for the first time also) to transfer a 1.5 gig video from the windows machine to Jolla phone via USB. The windows machine needed to install drivers, blah blah, I just pressed next next next, then I was able able to copy a file to the Jolla and left it until a few hours. Then I couldn't find the 'safely remove' option, and I just pulled out the USB. The transfer happened at night, then the 3 problems occurred the next day.

I thought maybe I ran out of storage space, but I did still have space left, more than 6 gigs free.

Where do you even start to reproduce this problem?? I can only speculate that I shouldn't talk to windows next time via USB.

Kind regards,


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Even though you have free space, have you checked you have free space for btrfs metadata available? Not sure, but when it comes to weird symptoms, I always first think of btrfs problems.

Jolly-Jo ( 2015-05-07 14:14:44 +0200 )edit

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answered 2015-05-05 20:04:23 +0200

MikErk gravatar image

That is quite a surprise. In fact my old Nokia N9 behaved in the exact same manner before I left it. Eventually there is some nasty bug in the old nokia main system still open in Sailfish...

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So did it happen just suddenly? Do you remember what you were doing before it happened?

Robin ( 2015-05-06 10:15:19 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-05-05 07:09:50 +0200

Seen: 337 times

Last updated: May 05 '15