Phone numbers (contacts) lost with update 1.1.4
Many contacts - which were also FB contacts - were simply removed from the phonebook: phone numbers lost.
However, the only common thing I found in them, that they were all FB contacts. But:
- Some contacts (minority) which were FB contacts as well, stayed (with removed FB info of course).
- Some contacts being only FB contacts stayed with the contact info only containing the FB chat hash.
EDIT: This is not about FB-related data (pictures, birthdays, etc), but the PHONE NUMBERS, which are way more crucial in a phone than stuff which I can find on FB any time.
Yes, something is wrong, that is why I made this question with a 'bug' tag. For some FB contacts I can also only see the names and chat link (hash), even though they (only FB synced contacts) should have been removed. Removing contacts with separately entered phone numbers by the update is really weird.
William ( 2015-05-11 21:58:08 +0200 )edit