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OS upgrade went wrong [answered]

asked 2015-05-19 16:36:46 +0200

fuzzdk gravatar image

My upgrade of the phone to went wrong. Probably because I didn't disable openrepos. During the upgrade it wrote that the upgrade went wrong, and that I could upgrade later. Ok, no harm done I thought. But I was wrong as some things like showing the remaining power doesn't work. So it looks like I got some files updated but not all.

So I thought that I would try to upgrade again, by:

$ssu re

But it looks like this doesn't cause a reinstallation of the upgrade.

So how do I reinstall the upgrade?

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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by Victorious
close date 2015-05-19 23:17:02.085549



Try with charger connected and via ssh connection as root this: 'version --dup'! If this does not help the first time, it might run better if you try it a second time... . I had a similar issue as you, additionally in my case I was running out of space, had to delete many big files. Last option is then recovery mode but please try version --dup first!

Marti Masa K ( 2015-05-19 16:54:54 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2015-05-19 18:23:19 +0200

fuzzdk gravatar image

updated 2015-05-19 18:23:53 +0200

Thanks a lot for the help. It turned out to be phonehook that blocked the upgrade and also wouldn't uninstall. The fix for that posted here: https://together.jolla.com/question/92784/how-to-remove-phonehook/?sort=votes&page=1 and 'version --dup' fixed the problem.

Good that you can ssh into the phone!

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Great you found the solution and thanks for posting it here and case it happens to someone else as well.

molan ( 2015-05-19 19:15:05 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-05-19 16:57:00 +0200

Marti Masa K gravatar image

You could also check the comments / answers from here: https://together.jolla.com/question/89804/release-notes-114-aijanpaivanjarvi/?sort=votes&page=4#sort-top

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Asked: 2015-05-19 16:36:46 +0200

Seen: 306 times

Last updated: May 19 '15