2014-02-05 07:24:20 +0200
A very large screen... well, that depends on what we mean by "very large."
If its a screen between 7 and 11 inches, I'd expect to see edge gestures continue to play a large part towards in-app and app-to-app navigation. I'd like to see hot spots in-between those areas for the mid-screen gestures we see on a smaller mobile, but makes sense as those items would be a bit more needed closer to the attending digits on the hand in such a form factor. I'd like to see the entrance of ink/stylus support, with probably some kind of interface for extending input create/copy/cut/paste/compute facilities - something like what's seen in Samsung's Galaxy Note series, or in the fan-UI that apps like DIfferent Tack have tried.
If its a screen between 11 and 24 inches, I'm expecting that it woudln't be all that mobile. I'd like to see the UI evolve into manageable workspaces. If you will, the task/apps screen on the handheld version of Sailfish would have to become workspaces in which apps can own a bit more of the content stream. I'd be ok with being able to work in multiple workspaces at once in such a view, as long as the same engine that's used for gestures would pick up being used for spatial orientation devices (for example, a bluetooth pen that works on the z-axis or the support of the Leap Motion or other gesture/eye tracking devices). Of course, I'd like to see the UI elements redrawn for the 3ft view (not the 19in view that it currently has); and some additional support in native apps for displaying fuller content.
If its a screen larger than 24 inches, I'm expecting it to either be an entertainment machine (probably the front end to a media service/server, or even a slave screen exporting content from a handheld Jolla device so that it could be manipulated by one and shared to many. UI elements here would have to be redone for the 10ft viewport. I'd only expect vertical applications to continue with a primarly gesure-driven UI. Only when its off, or some kind of proximity/sensor attachment could see that its necessary to use touch since one is that close should it be an option. Otherwise, support of navigating by voice, mobile, or spatial input device should work well.
Having said all of this, I'd really like to see Jolla devices support the 1st two I mentioned right out of the box as default, and then the 12-24 inch viewport as the second installed option. More often than not, the hardware to support casting to the size screen of the latter makes good sense. And if its cast there, then the UI should adapt to what's possible in tha context.
I'l make it a xbmc like livingroom machine so my guests can play with it and can have the SailfishOS experience.
BonoNL ( 2014-01-03 18:55:57 +0200 )invent new usage on big screen like E-Ink colors without warm the fingers and eye tired less like e-paper that was never possible before SailfishOS :-)
Available 6x 10 fingers gesture for play/work (usable by 6 simultaneous human input)
I hope better concept play on big screen gesture/eye gesture/virtual keyboard input improvement also optimized for limited human (ease of use) fully usable by single hand or and eye
redge73 ( 2014-01-19 03:53:24 +0200 )WaylandVNC or SailfishVNC JollaVNC server/client server/viewer or host/guest customer/technician remote/local re-invent remote management full gesture/touch even remote is only keyboard/mice
redge73 ( 2014-02-17 17:17:02 +0200 )I would continue with my sad face since Sailfish OS was not created with portrait AND landscape mode from the very beginning, and in the core. :P
martinrusler ( 2014-07-26 23:20:54 +0200 )@martinrusler didn't you already say it? :)
magullo ( 2014-07-27 00:48:23 +0200 )