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[] Android support unfixable broken [answered]

asked 2015-07-01 13:17:49 +0300

V10lator gravatar image

After solving https://together.jolla.com/question/97856/11627-everything-just-freaks-out-phone-unusable/ I happily started playing my game again till suddendly the app crashed. After the crash all android icons disappeared. Rebooting didn't help. Reinstalling Android Support (uninstall -> reboot -> install -> reboot) didn't help, too (already tried 3x).

Looked at the output of mount: None of the android directories is mounted!

So I searched the filesystem a bit and found /etc/xdg/autostart/aliendalvik.desktop which starts /opt/alien/system/script/start_alien.sh. Tried to start it manually:

# /opt/alien/system/script/start_alien.sh
/data exists already
/data/dalvik-cache exists already
/data/app-private exists already
/data/app exists already
/data/data exists already
/data/misc exists already
/data/property exists already
/run/user/1000/alien/socket exists already
/run/user/1000/alien/ashmem exists already
/data/media exists already
/cache exists already
/data/keystore exists already
Alien fuse sdcard update: start!
Alien fuse sdcard update: done!
rm failed for -f, No such file or directory
/opt/alien/system/script/start_alien.sh: line 87: /system/bin/alien_init: No such file or directory
/opt/alien/system/script/start_alien.sh: line 87: exec: /system/bin/alien_init: cannot execute: No such file or directory

/system/bin/alien_init doesn't exist:

# ls /system/bin
ATFWD-daemon      gsiff_daemon                 mm-venc-omx-test720p   schedtest
ExSDWRTest        gzip                         mm-video-driver-test   schedtop
StoreKeybox       hci_qcomm_init               mm-video-encdrv-test   screencap
adb               hciattach                    monkey                 screenshot
am                hd                           mount                  sdcard
app_process       hostapd                      mpdecision             sdptool
applypatch        hostapd_cli                  mtpd                   sendevent
atrace            id                           mv                     sensord
battery_monitor   ifconfig                     n_smux                 sensors_calib_set
battery_shutdown  iftop                        nandread               sensorservice
bluetoothd        ime                          ndc                    service
bmgr              input                        netcfg                 servicemanager
bootanimation     insmod                       netd                   setconsole
bridgemgrd        ioctl                        netmgrd                setprop
btnvtool          ionice                       netstat                setup_fs
bu                ip                           newfs_msdos            sh
bugreport         ip6tables                    nl_listener            sleep
cat               iptables                     nohup                  smd
chmod             isdbtmmtest                  notify                 speed_test_random
chown             keystore                     oemwvtest              ssr_diag
cmp               kill                         pand                   stagefright
cnd               ks                           ping                   start
content           lfinit                       pm                     stop
curl              lftool                       port-bridge            subsystem_ramdump
dalvikvm          linker                       pppd                   surfaceflinger
date              ln                           printenv               svc
dbus-daemon       location-mq                  ps                     sync
dd                log                          ptt_socket_app         system_server
debuggerd         logcat                       qcks                   tc
dexopt            logwrapper                   qmiproxy               test_gemini
df                ls                           qmuxd                  thermald
dhcpcd            lsmod                        qosmgr                 time_daemon
diag_dci_client   lsof                         qrngd                  tlcWrapperApp
diag_socket_log   make_ext4fs                  qrngtest               toolbox
diag_uart_log     mcDriverDaemonQC             qseecom_sample_client  top
dmesg             md5                          qseecom_security_test  touch
dnsmasq           mdm_helper                   qseecomd               uiautomator
drmdiagapp        mdnsd                        quipc_igsn             umount
drmserver         mediaserver                  quipc_main             uptime
ds_fmc_appd       mkdir                        racoon                 v4l2-qcamera-app
dumpstate         mksh                         radish                 vdc
dumpsys           mm-jpeg-dec-test             reboot                 vmstat
dun-server        mm-jpeg-dec-test-client      renice                 vold
e2fsck            mm-jpeg-enc-test             requestsync            watchprops
efsks             mm-jpeg-enc-test-client      reset_delay            wdsdaemon
fm_qsoc_patches   mm-jps-enc-test              reset_log              wipe
fmconfig          mm-mpo-dec-test              rild                   wiperiface
fsck_msdos        mm-mpo-enc-test              rm                     wiperiface_v02
fsstress          mm-pp-daemon                 rm_folder              wpa_cli
ftd               mm-qcamera-app               rmdir                  wpa_supplicant
ftmdaemon         mm-qcamera-daemon            rmmod                  xtwifi-client
getevent          mm-qcamera-test              rmt_storage            xtwifi-inet-agent
getprop           mm-qcamera-testsuite-client  route
gpsone_daemon     mm-vdec-omx-test             sapd

As reinstalling Android Support didn't help I guess this file isn't shipped with it but with the plain firmware? Why? And how could it vanish?

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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by drummer12
close date 2015-07-02 01:09:59.985542


Could someone please check if I'm missing more files in that folder and maybe send me the file(s) ?

V10lator ( 2015-07-01 14:46:26 +0300 )edit

It is a chroot, the folder you need to look into is /opt/alien/system/bin/ not /system/bin/ - missing files you can find in recovery snapshots (mount RO only!!!) but I doubt they are missing, something is off with mounting the chroot properly I guess so /opt/alien is not fully populated for some reason (check logs journalctl -b)

chemist ( 2015-07-01 15:05:40 +0300 )edit

Don't have time for that right now but maybe someone has a example of a successfull mount of the android dirs from the logs?

V10lator ( 2015-07-01 16:34:48 +0300 )edit

I've got a very similar problem (see https://together.jolla.com/question/125495/broken-android-support/) What could be done to mount the chroot properly? what should I look for in journalctl?

roland684 ( 2015-12-30 22:52:56 +0300 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-07-02 00:51:28 +0300

V10lator gravatar image

updated 2015-07-02 01:22:31 +0300

Thanks to customer support and some luck this has been solved. In case anybody other experiences this: Open the Jolla store, navigate to the first android app you see and install it. That will delete all your android apps but restore a fully functional Android Support.

//EDIT: After Android Support worked again I was able to put in a backup of my /data/app folder. After deinstalling one (most likely faulty) app they all work again, except that apps lost settings / save games / ... They think they are newly installed.

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Can you explain what you mean by an android app in the Jolla store - I thought the Jolla store only contained Sailfish apps, and Android apps are in the Aptoide repository?

Second - do I really have to lose my Android apps to fix this problem? I find that pretty unacceptable.


UPDATE: OK I see that the Android apps are also available through the Jolla store - just learned something new! But... the solution didn't work. The newly installed app doesn't work, my old Android apps are still there and still don't work. Still have same symptoms as described above.

avidscavenger ( 2015-08-11 07:00:50 +0300 )edit

@avidscavenger Are you sure it are the same sympthoms? Cause "my old Android apps are still there" and "all android icons disappeared" sound like different things to me.

Wild guesses:

  • Reinstalling android support ("uninstall -> reboot -> install -> reboot") might fix it.
  • BTRFS is the root: Try removing some files, then do btrfs-balancer balance as root.
  • Contact customer support.
V10lator ( 2015-08-11 12:11:34 +0300 )edit

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Asked: 2015-07-01 13:17:49 +0300

Seen: 1,037 times

Last updated: Jul 02 '15