2016-01-09 16:45:52 +0200
This post is a wiki.
Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Jolla with SailfishOS (Saimaa).
I already wrote a comment describing my problem, but finally I did it! I have kolabnow working with cardDav and calDav!
Let me sup up:
- First time I tried to sync kolabnow filling user, password and server address only, but it gave me error during account creation;
- Then I tried to fill also calDav and CardDav optional field following instructions on kolabnow site (, it did create the account successfully but it couldn't find neither addressbooks nor calendars (the reason is a bug in cardDav&calDav plugin, even if it should have been fixed; for more details read the comments above);
- In the end I filled the fields in this way:
Username-> user@domain
Password-> ...
Server address->
CardDAV-> /addressbooks/user@domain
CalDAV-> /calendars/user@domain
where I put @ instead of %40. And now it works!
I don't know if @shmerl is still interested or if this will be usefull to anyone, maybe everybody already knew this and I was the only stupid who didn't, anyway I did it =).
I put it as wiki, that's ok?
@shmerl if you have developer-mode enabled, please do:
1) ensure that /etc/systemd/journald.conf has RateLimitBurst=3000 and RateLimitInterval=10s
2) ssh in and stop the sync service and restart it with extra debugging enabled:
Leave the terminal running.
3) Open a new ssh terminal, and use it to collect carddav debug logs:
4) Trigger a sync (Settings|Accounts, longpress CardDAV account -> Sync)
The logs in the second (journalctl) terminal should contain much information which should help in debugging the issue.
Note that there is a known bug in our plugin which means that some calendar paths containing percent-encoded characters are not handled correctly - this has been fixed in the git repository (see for that fix) but the fix is not in a public release, yet. It should be in the next one, I hope.
Thanks, Chris.
P.S.: what did you use as the server address? You should be able to use just: And you should not need the (optional) addressbook path, since kolabnow supports automatic path discovery.
chris.adams ( 2015-07-27 06:40:57 +0200 )edit@chris.adams: It fails on principal retrieval:
Values edited to [user] and etc.
I'm using the recommended URL by Kolabnow (without full path). Note something strange there. It tries to read [user]%2540[userdomain] in the URL instead of [user]%40[userdomain]. May be that's causing the bug? %25 is % (URL encoded) which seems the same as the problem you describe above.
shmerl ( 2015-07-28 05:28:28 +0200 )editYup, that looks like the percent-encoding bug I mentioned earlier, unfortunately. It should be fixed in the next release.
chris.adams ( 2015-07-28 06:40:51 +0200 )edit@chris.adams: Is it supposed to work in I'm updating my Nexus 5 to it now. Or by next release you meant already 2.0?
shmerl ( 2015-10-18 23:41:56 +0200 )editI just tested with (which is also 2.0?) and the bug is still there.
shmerl ( 2015-10-19 00:23:05 +0200 )edit