Unrequested Google email sync nearly killed the system (2.0)
So I've just upgraded to Sailfish OS 2.0 and there are many little things that irk me, but the worst of all has been an _unrequested_ sync of Google emails that has nearly killed my system.
The situation is like this: I have a (non-Google) email account registered in the Jolla, set to sync every 15 minutes, and a Google account for which I _only_ enabled IM and Calendar sync. After the OS update, when I connected to the internet and re-enabled the Google presence, the Jolla suddenly started syncing up my Gmail box, even though email sync for Google email was _disabled_. As the number of synced messages grew, the Jolla became less and less responsive, to the point that I couldn't even launch Settings anymore to try and at least disable the Internet connections.
I could not even power off the device, as a long press to the power button resulted in the screen going black (after a ridiculously long time) but the _red_ LED never going off, and obviously I couldn't even turn it ON again. I had to force it off by removing the battery.
After a reboot the system came up smoothly, but in the Events area I still had the notice about the 3K emails from Google. I made the mistake of clicking on it, which resulted in the Email app coming up … and locking up the system again: I couldn't even reliably click on the force-quit X when the notification about email not responding came up.
After a LONG time of not touching the system, the situation seems to have gone back to normal, with the Google email notification disappearing and the system being responsive again, but I fear something like this might happen again.
(Plus, now I want to make sure I don't have 3K unwanted emails lying around. How can I clear this up?)
Thanks for this report. The fact that the synchronization of an unrelated service was enabled erroneously during the upgrade is a very serious bug. Can you please confirm: did the schedule settings for the non-Google email account get applied to the Google one (i.e., does the Google Gmail service now get synced every 15 minutes as per the other one?) or was the Gmail schedule merely enabled but not copied from the other one? I'm just trying to figure out what the cause of the bug might have been.
chris.adams ( 2015-09-28 12:22:18 +0200 )editSorry for the very late reply. The settings did not get copied over. Instead, Gmail was enabled on its own. Moreover, the settings of the Googled account were completely out of whack (things that should have been enabled weren't, and conversely), as if the settings storage had been corrupted on the last save and/or read incorrectly on first load with the new version.
bilog ( 2015-10-18 10:03:40 +0200 )editI see. We will try to investigate, but without concrete reproduction steps it will be difficult for us to track down precisely what occurred in your case, unfortunately. Thank you for the report. If anyone else has suffered something similar, can you please add your information to the thread as a comment? The more information we have, the more likely we'll be able to figure out what is occurring in these cases and why.
chris.adams ( 2015-10-19 10:09:27 +0200 )edit