[ POLL ] Deliver the Tablet - or Loose "a Burden" ? [answered]
In a historical community collaboration meeting on December 17th @AnttiSaarnio informed the jolla community about a successful securing of C-round fundings :
14:44:16 < AnttiSaarnio > We only got the financing confirmed yesterday, and we are now busy analysing different alternatives what to do with TabletGate
14:45:17 < AnttiSaarnio > We will have a board meeting after Christmas which is to decide between alternatives.
14:47:18 < AnttiSaarnio > Options are: refunding or to continue with tablets, but then even more delays are to be expected.
Complementing some community feedback to the decision-making : What would be your preference ?
Is it still essential for jolla's credibility and achievement of milestones to actually deliver hardware or now, as a software focused business to loose a hardware-related legacy "burden" and reimburse IGG backers ?
To what are you willing to accept / understand related delays ?
See also :
IRC Log : http://merproject.org/meetings/mer-meeting/2015/mer-meeting.2015-12-17-14.30.log.txt
Jolla Blog: https://blog.jolla.com/jolla-back-business/
Jolla Press Release ( pdf ): https://t.co/cTH6GgO5Wq
Techcrunch article ( English ): http://techcrunch.com/2015/12/18/sailfish-os-lives-to-fight-android-another-day-as-jolla-secures-series-c-funding/
heise article ( German ): http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Jolla-Finanzierung-gesichert-Jolla-Tablet-kommt-vielleicht-3048387.html
--> Jolla's decision: "Aiming for Closure"
More : https://blog.jolla.com/jolla-tablet-closure
Thanks for voting !
Community? Mr anttisaarnio has left -and is still leaving- the tablet crowdsourcing community completely in the dark. So the first point of the board meeting should be: "Is this board willing and capable to work and communicate with communities, or should it step down to make room for leaders that can".
wim de vries ( 2015-12-18 13:42:51 +0200 )@wim de vries ... that's exactly why I think the decision-making announced shouldn't happen without any community opinion in context. On the other hand you'll have to allow them some time to organize & gather.
launchpad ( 2015-12-18 14:04:28 +0200 )And the message transported by this poll seems very clear.
lakutalo ( 2015-12-18 14:13:33 +0200 )@lakutalo ... what I consider constructive in a way :)
launchpad ( 2015-12-18 14:43:21 +0200 )@wim de vries. If I could downvote you, I would!!! - The community is in the multi-thousands, do you expect a one-to-one treatment (for ~200 € 'investment')? Sorry this does NOT scale at all. The tablet would cost 500 € plus just for communication alone... How s l o w would progress be if they started to listen to each and every mutually conflicting voice? - If you feel so left in the dark why don't you follow/join the mer-meetings?
chappi ( 2015-12-18 15:03:17 +0200 )