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Again & again please don't downvote without explanation [not a question]

asked 2016-02-09 11:51:53 +0200

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updated 2016-02-09 22:37:07 +0200

cemoi71 gravatar image

Dear all from community, i don't believe and understand when people make an effort to express their opinion and on a constructive way. That some don't want to pay a little attention and time to explain their down-vote.
it would be appreciated that the people who down-vote explain why. That we know what's could be wrong, that we know their experiences. That we are able to learn the point of view of others.
I found incredible unsocial and impolite to down-vote without telling something, and no arguments.
We are not animals.
Those kind of behaviour make prejudice to the whole community.

Would you accept that someone punch your nose without to explain why? Would you accept that someone put your meal on a bean without to explain why?

Then please be a little more pleasant, and will be be given you back. That is not thought as a rule, but a recall of a minimum of education and civility. Obviously I am not your dad or your mum. in this way this effort from you would be appreciated.

that's for the good of all.


PS: i make the remark that i don't tell that people are unsocial and impolite, but the action is unsocial and impolite. That's make a huge difference. If someone don't understand it, and take it for himself as a personal prejudice, i'm not responsible of crooked comprehension. It will be welcome, to think and rethink before acting. Am i clear enough?
Thanks for understanding

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Where does it end though? Should we give an explanation for upvoting as well?

I do not see anything inherently wrong with downvoting answers or posts that are just statements of an opinion. If it bothers you, perhaps you should ask yourself why. Though downvoting questions puzzles me sometimes. What does it even mean, to downvote a question? You do not agree with a question? Is that even possible?

pichlo ( 2016-02-09 12:30:38 +0200 )edit

@picho Now I am confused. I am not able to down-vote comments. I can only up-vote those. It appears the only items I can down-vote is questions and answers. I agree with you that down-voting a question is pretty questionable. So that leaves only answers as the kind of items we are talking about.

I would see two reasons why an answer could be reasonably down-voted.

1) The contents of the answer is not really eligible as an answer at all and should have been made as a comment to not clutter up the thread.

2) The answer is actually not correct or not as good as it could be.

In both of these cases a friendly explanation would be very helpful to improve the quality of the thread and/or answer.

DieUnwucht ( 2016-02-09 12:52:57 +0200 )edit

@pichlo there is a difference between i am disagree but i don't care of it.( in this case you pass your way without downvoting). And i'm not agree i want to tell constructive why 8in this case you downvote and explain why
if you downvote, you express yourself but without explanation is destructive acting, definitively.
would you be agree too, if someone punch you in the nose without explain why he did it? i guess no! you go to the police or catch him to do something i don't want to know.
that is the same case but with a little exaggeration

cemoi71 ( 2016-02-09 12:56:22 +0200 )edit

@DieUnwucht thx a lot for the well done explanation. could not make it better

cemoi71 ( 2016-02-09 12:58:01 +0200 )edit

I have no problem if someone want to improve the thread by making it more understandable for all

cemoi71 ( 2016-02-09 13:00:23 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2016-02-09 13:14:00 +0200

tortoisedoc gravatar image

updated 2016-02-09 13:23:30 +0200

Since when is downvoting considered inhuman?

Last time I checked, it accounted for freedom of speech.

I can agree that it is not necessarily constructive, but I do not recall a valid rule (existing or to be introduced) forcing you to be so.

Sidenote for constructiveness : If such rule should come into effect in the future on this forum, i'll take the liberty to refrain from commenting anything in the first place; hell, I might start behaving like a honeybadger!

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I woted up because I liked the question. It may be deleted because it is not an answer though. I still like it. I hope it explains well my vote. Thank You for reading. Good bye, have a nice day.

Macilaci457 ( 2016-02-09 13:23:24 +0200 )edit

What, it's not an answer? It highlights a very important and positive aspect of down-voting! It might not be formulated as an answer, but, honeybadger!

tortoisedoc ( 2016-02-09 13:26:34 +0200 )edit

@tortoisedoc i would appreciate that you read the comments before your answer, that would avoid people repeat themselves. freedom of speech means by you to force others your thinking and your kind? how nice it is. and really polite. that why i downvote it now

cemoi71 ( 2016-02-09 13:36:44 +0200 )edit

@tortoisedoc let me be stupid and idiot to copy all the comments that i found relevant: from DieUnwucht
@picho Now I am confused. I am not able to down-vote comments. I can only up-vote those. It appears the only items I can down-vote is questions and answers. I agree with you that down-voting a question is pretty questionable. So that leaves only answers as the kind of items we are talking about.

I would see two reasons why an answer could be reasonably down-voted.

1) The contents of the answer is not really eligible as an answer at all and should have been made as a comment to not clutter up the thread.

2) The answer is actually not correct or not as good as it could be.

In both of these cases a friendly explanation would be very helpful to improve the quality of the thread and/or answer.

cemoi71 ( 2016-02-09 13:38:23 +0200 )edit

@tortoisedoc from me:
there is a difference between i am disagree but i don't care of it.( in this case you pass your way without downvoting). And i'm not agree i want to tell constructive why 8in this case you downvote and explain why if you downvote, you express yourself but without explanation is destructive acting, definitively. would you be agree too, if someone punch you in the nose without explain why he did it? i guess no! you go to the police or catch him to do something i don't want to know. that is the same case but with a little exaggeration

cemoi71 ( 2016-02-09 13:39:12 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-02-09 22:02:53 +0200

Stefanix gravatar image

More people should be encouraged to express their opinion by voting, down or up. For this, down-votes should be free, e.g. not cost any karma. As a further improvement up- und down-votes should be counted separately and be displayed separately. Currently 100 up-votes and 100 down-votes would be displayed as "0", giving the impression there is no interest in this subject. If there is a feature request to integrate a shaver into the next Jolla phone, I want to simply say 'no'. That's it. Giving a reason is a 'nice to have', but a simple 'no' is good enough. Everyone is now welcome to vote this down, without any comment! I will not jump out of the window for this! ;)

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@Stefanix your answer here has a deep good sense i think. For my part and reaction to this. i don't understand why the is this bloody kharma here. I'm near to be convinced that people will be more free if there is no kharma, same comparing to traditional forums.
And you are right too, with the context about react o9n this subject. after rethinking, i wanted just to tail the people what happen to some people with some practices, when they do some effort to contribute and waited something constructive and not destructive.I still let it here in this stand. i push a stone in the water, and i assume it until the end and give all the chance to explain himself further. and i'll answer as good as i can, objective as i can, and calmly as i can (the last is the most difficult).
For the shaver point of view i please you to remark that you are for some points outer context. Imagine, it would be criticized or someone explained that he has not understand why should something happened or not happened, and the answer is a point of which explain the situation, or an opinion on it with experience. And someone down vote it without to explain why. then you have all the reason for you to get pissed off, do you think what i mean now?

cemoi71 ( 2016-02-09 22:25:45 +0200 )edit

this form of activity, depends on context is for me a passive aggression. and that for me clear not to shut up on this

cemoi71 ( 2016-02-09 22:27:26 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-02-09 22:42:43 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2016-02-09 22:42:43 +0200

cemoi71 gravatar image

Please feel free to up vote or down vote it makes anyway its effect to be a howls of protest. ;-)

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Asked: 2016-02-09 11:51:53 +0200

Seen: 1,247 times

Last updated: Feb 09 '16