What should SailfishOS documentation be providing?
We're doing a review of the documentation around SailfishOS and want to start getting some input.
This is likely to be a sailfishos.org site and is intended for everyone (community, companies) interested in sfos development in any role (apps, UI, middleware, hardware, sysadmin, management...)
At the moment we're pulling together an outline and would be interested in what you'd like to see.
Here's a summary
- Navigation
- Introduction
- Welcome to SailfishOS
- Understanding Open Source
- User guide / Tutorial
- Guides by role / process / task (HOWTO)
- Development Roles
- Introduction
- Application developer
- UI developer
- Platform developer
- HA developer
- Build / Release engineer
- QA engineer
- Collaborative development process
- Tasks
- Development Roles
- Platform Information (Coding Reference)
- Architecture
- Overview
- Packaging
- Security
- Internationalisation/Localisation
- Qt
- Core Areas / APIs (including SFOS Apps)
- UI
- Principles
- Interactions
- Silica Component API
- Hardware
- Hardware Adaptation Development Kit
- Flashing
- Devices
- Android Compatibility
- Architecture
- Tools (Tool Reference)
- Application SDK
- Platform SDK
- Development tools
- Systems
- Releases
- Supporting Systems
- Store
So - anything missing? Ideas, suggestions etc. (For 'new' topics/ideas reply as answers rather than comments - but then comments on these answers is fine to group ideas together)
Shoot @Alex, you posted the same thing just before me :) Let me add to my request that for example SilicaListView should have a link to Qt Quick ListViews documentation instead of just "see the ListView documentation for its full list of available properties, signals and methods."
jollailija ( 2016-02-09 19:38:11 +0200 )editOkay, someone converted the comments to answers, but some contain the same thing- should we one answer per one suggestion and make a voting system or what? [edited by lbt: that would be me :) - it was a good point so I added a comment at the bottom of the question: For 'new' topics/ideas reply as answers rather than comments - but then comments on these answers is fine to group ideas together ]
jollailija ( 2016-02-09 20:07:40 +0200 )editThis is a topic for the community meeting this Thursday February 11th 2016:
JSEHV ( 2016-02-09 23:07:42 +0200 )editWhat's the publishing site and its target audience? I'd rather post ideas knowing those first, please edit
reviewjolla ( 2016-02-09 23:10:53 +0200 )editThis a really excellent project.
richardski ( 2016-02-10 17:14:27 +0200 )edit