Jolla account "needs to be updated" in an infinite loop
When launching the Jolla store, I'm asked to update my Jolla account by going to Settings>Accounts and entering my credentials. When I do this, the Settings app shows my Jolla account as "Active". But each time I launch the store, I get the "needs to be updated" notice again, and when I go to Settings>Accounts, my Jolla account credentials are cleared again -- rinse, lather, repeat (ad infinitum). Has anybody seen this problem before and knows of a workaround?
If anyone can reproduce this, please let me know.
It sounds like the OAuth2 token you have for your account got somehow marked as invalid (perhaps due to a database corruption) which meant that the OAuth2 authentication process triggered the notification.
If anyone can give me information on how to reproduce this case, I will investigate. Thanks!
chris.adams ( 2016-04-07 07:39:28 +0200 )edit