Don't work anything in my device, what should I do?
asked 2016-07-17 14:07:08 +0200
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I tried to open browser, but after a while of loading stop and disappear from the screen. I can't open anything, that works with internet, like app store, do the same as browser. I can't make Jolla account, because it write, that "there was a problem". I dont know what should I do.
if developer mode is not enabled, you can try to reset your device from settings app. If it does not work you can try hardreseting your device.
virgi26 ( 2016-07-17 14:22:41 +0200 )edit@GameM before these drastic mesures i hope you have tried: switching the phone off, removing the battery, waiting for a short while, putting battery back in, and restarting phone - thats the obvious first thing to do.
if that doesnt help i would suggest you try btrfs balancing as described here. if thats doesnt work or help, id first ask around for more help and then as a last resort go virgis26's way...
misc11 ( 2016-07-17 16:28:57 +0200 )editsounds like btrfs filesystem full. You can find many questions for it..
jolladiho ( 2016-07-17 18:08:24 +0200 )edit@jolladiho yes sounds like that, but when you're a newcomer, how do you find it easily? It's a shame that Jolla still does nothing about that for the "normal" users, like communicate, restore the scheduled balancing, or push empty updates...
Sthocs ( 2016-07-18 10:45:58 +0200 )edit