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Any success stories of buying Aqua Fish from ebay?

asked 2016-07-30 15:58:21 +0200

Magog gravatar image

updated 2016-07-31 12:00:23 +0200

Stefanix gravatar image

Does anybody have one? Please share your experience about this.

Please add if you ordered from India or any other country, if your profile does not tell your location.

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Everybody is waiting for the first one to have it delivered. I guess you will first see on twitter!

mosen ( 2016-07-30 16:39:23 +0200 )edit

@Magog - I don't understand - could you clarify if this question is for Europeans / Americans who have tried to purchase from ebay.in? Else these brief customer reviews - ebay seller 1, ebay seller 2 and amazon.in seller - gives a good idea of the online buyers' experience, so far.

sifartech ( 2016-07-30 18:37:51 +0200 )edit

i purchased 2 phones from ebay.in, got the delivery on next day :)

amitpatel ( 2016-07-30 18:58:20 +0200 )edit

@MJolla - I think you should convert your comment to an answer. The credit card copy and credit card summary is additional verification by ebay to ensure that you are not using somebody else's stolen card. Tip: If you sent it by email to ebay, delete that sent mail. If somebody hacks your email account, that info would be like a gold mine for them.

sifartech ( 2016-07-30 22:51:51 +0200 )edit

I hope you don't mind I edited the title a bit, I clicked in hopes to read your success story about getting the aqua fish to europe / america, since it was not in question form.

Acce ( 2016-07-31 00:21:05 +0200 )edit

53 Answers

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answered 2016-12-03 23:17:28 +0200

teemu gravatar image

updated 2016-12-03 23:20:20 +0200

I bought mine from Lowpriceshoppee on Ebay.com. I got the re-listed PayPal-payable one, as I didn't want to be emailing my credit card info around the internet. I bit at the price of $92.50, but they seem to since have re-jacked the price up to $98.00

I bought it on November 10th, they shipped it on Nov 14th, it was registered in Mumbai on Nov 17th, the parcel landed in Finland on Nov 22nd, Customs Post reported having gotten their hands on it Nov 23rd, I paid the toll/VAT of ~EUR 26.xx on the morning of Nov 24th, the Post continued with some movements on the parcel on Nov 25th, it was registered in Helsinki on Nov 28th and I got it from my local post office as a "registered letter" on Nov 30th.

The beautiful Intex package was wrapped in an amount of bubble wrap in a heavily-taped envelope.

I lost maybe a day by not checking on NetPosti on Nov 23rd, as the Notice of Arrival of Customs-Declarable Parcel from the Customs Post had come there around noon that day; and maybe a few Euros by stupidly allowing PayPal to rob me with their own conversion rates instead of telling them to charge my Visa in the original USD price. Other than that everything went great.

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answered 2016-07-31 10:31:50 +0200

Valentin gravatar image

updated 2016-08-19 20:09:53 +0200

I placed my order on 27/07/16. Followed by PayisaPay verification.

Obviously ebay is expecting for the verification mail to be posted from the e-mail address registered with your account. Which I didn't realize immediately because the automatic response received was alluding that to address was not valid. Finally the verification came on 30/07. It took about 38 hour (more than a day and a half).

I hope seller will ship promptly.

Update: I'm a happy owner. Yay!

Timeline in brief:

  • ordered 27/07/16
  • payment clearance 30/07/16
  • seller shipment 04/08/16
  • received in destination country 11/08/16
  • customs mail to provide invoice details 16/08/16
  • home delivery on 19/08/16

Total amount of taxes 30€ (VAT 21,1€ + customs declaration costs 8€ + payment commission 1,05€). The later two charged by SLO post.

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answered 2016-07-31 11:26:45 +0200

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updated 2016-07-31 12:03:15 +0200

Stefanix gravatar image

I ordered about a week ago, using a credit card ("PaisaPay"). This requires to send a photo of the credit card for additional verification. Although I sent this photo immediately, the payment was rejected 3 days later with the message "no verification documents received". Now I am trying a second time.

P.S.: I tried also to fax the verification doc. Unfortunately this wasn't successful. The number is always busy. Maybe it's not reachable from outside of India.

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I suppose that you didn't read the Email from ebay.in thoroughly. They are requested scanned copy front of the credit card AND the latest credit card statement. Same was to me. For me it was seemed like copy front of the card OR latest card statement. But I was wrong and in three days my payment was rejected. Be careful in details!

Fedorka ( 2016-07-31 19:34:30 +0200 )edit

Thanks, @Fedorka! There is indeed an AND. I ASSUMED one of the two should be enough. Unfortunately I am on vacation and can not provide the statement. Have to wait with my order until next week. :( At least I am not alone missing to read the "and" and don't have to feel too stupid... ;)

Stefanix ( 2016-07-31 21:53:00 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-08-01 18:27:32 +0200

laoghaire gravatar image

A friend of a friend bought it on 25.7, shipped on 27.7 and on 29.7 I was holding it in my hands. :-)

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answered 2016-08-10 15:58:06 +0200

fl0rp gravatar image

updated 2016-08-14 01:22:47 +0200

ordered 2016-07-22, recieved 2015-08-01 from 'smartphone_express' ebay.co.uk. EDIT: So from India to the EU in ~10 days.

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answered 2016-08-12 10:11:56 +0200

Harsh Patel gravatar image

Im harsh patel. im from INDIA, so i have bought it without any hustle with in just 2 days and it is same as jolla C. not any identical change in design hardware as well as OS.

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answered 2016-08-19 19:06:44 +0200

moofang gravatar image

updated 2016-08-19 19:22:51 +0200

Chiming in with another success story for international shipping - mine to Malaysia where I was at. The summary is everything went smoothly, and almost everything was pleasant - the exception being paisapay whose practice of requiring emailed photos of credit cards/statements I was very uncomfortable with. Following the talk on this thread though I was able to get it right the first time - even though they took more than three days to approve my payment. Rough timeline follows:

6th Aug: purchased and paid. Credit card photo/statement prepared and sent on the same day

9th Aug: payment authorization finally came

10th Aug: my device is marked 'shipped' on ebay

18th Aug: attempted final delivery to my place failed (common occurance)

19th Aug: personally collected parcel from post office

The box wasn't in perfect condition but it was passable (edges a bit crumpled). The item got stuck for 2 days or so at the exchange, but eventually cleared fine without any input from me - all I needed to do was to collect it from the post office, something I'm fairly used to doing for stuff coming in from ebay.

I'll also add myself to the spreadsheet :)

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answered 2016-08-29 13:32:39 +0200

DimaAsket gravatar image

I've got it. 10 days to Russia.

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answered 2016-08-29 19:37:30 +0200

ExPLIT gravatar image

I got my Intex delivered today to my office postbox in Berlin / Germany. Without VAT. Without customs. Without nothing. The item was declared like gift. Got absolutely new Intex Aqua Fish from eBay. Paid via Paypal. Not a singel problem after all.

Its really depends, in which part of Germany you live. Or i had luck... Maybe....

Here i have some advices to all German Sailfishermans, who was unlucky not to receive the Intex:


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answered 2016-08-29 20:25:00 +0200

shults gravatar image

I have irderred from the cheepest Indian ebay seller. The price was about 80 euro. After I send the picture of the card and the statement tge.package was shipped. It arrived in Bulgaria after a week.

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Asked: 2016-07-30 15:58:21 +0200

Seen: 19,638 times

Last updated: Feb 20 '17