What is the meaning of Network Denied in Sailfish OS (Intex Aqua Fish, JIO)?
I'm trying to use Reliance JIO sim in Aqua Fish. In the Sim Settings, it would appear searching for the network for sometime and says Network Denied. I'm not sure if I did something wrong, if it has to do with the Sailfish/Reliance sim.
Please help me.
Has your Jio connection been activated? I remember something similar hapened to me with BSNL, on a Nokia phone, where I got an error message that it couldn't "register with the network" (or something like that - it was a long time back) and it was because my BSNL connection hadn't been activated yet.
sifartech ( 2016-09-13 21:35:21 +0200 )editAs you have a solution to your issue, just click on 'convert to answer' (at the bottom of your comment) and select it as the answer to end this discussion.
sifartech ( 2016-09-13 21:59:21 +0200 )editdone..will update the answer once it's confirmed.
pinkpanther ( 2016-09-13 22:04:29 +0200 )edit@sifartech no solution.
pinkpanther ( 2016-09-21 17:25:38 +0200 )editStill having issues?
sifartech ( 2016-10-02 21:49:46 +0200 )edit