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Intex Aqua Fish Power Key broken workaround?

asked 2016-11-11 14:21:36 +0200

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updated 2017-06-16 10:17:46 +0200

JoHe gravatar image

hey Guys!

The power key/button of my Aqua Fish seems to be broken, are there other ways to switch on/off my phone (or to "transfer" the function of the power key to the volume buttons or so)?

as I am a total noob regarding those thinks, I kindly ask for your help!

thank you!

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2 Answers

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answered 2016-11-11 14:56:56 +0200

spiiroin gravatar image

Requires activating developer mode and running couple of commands as root, but this should work ...

Tell mce that volume-down should be handled as if it were power key:

printf "[EVDEV]\nKEY_VOLUMEDOWN=KEY_POWER\n"  > /etc/mce/90-voldown-is-powerkey.ini
systemctl restart mce

After this volume down press will blank/unblank the screen just like power key does. The problem is that ui side still does ring tone adjustments too -> long press to trigger shutdown menu is likely to put the phone to silent mode. This can be helped to some extend by instructing mce to keep volume keys grabbed unless there is audio-playback

mcetool --set-volume-key-policy=media-only
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this also can be done using recovery mode shell as well.

coderus ( 2016-11-11 23:11:46 +0200 )edit

well, as i understand the main problem to power on device, as to power down/reboot you can use openrepos applications

coderus ( 2016-11-11 23:12:35 +0200 )edit

some configuration trick should exists also to tell phone it should completely boot after connecting usb cable, not just to charging mode.

coderus ( 2016-11-11 23:14:25 +0200 )edit

@coderus: The trick (used by testing images) involves adding "jolla.test_mode=USER" to kernel command line (see /usr/lib/startup/preinit/get_bootstate).

But note that even if the device boots up to act dead on usb insert, the voldown=powerkey hack above allows booting from there to user mode with volume key press (and leaves act dead mode in place for genuine battery empty situations).

spiiroin ( 2016-11-14 09:35:12 +0200 )edit

Thanks a lot for this very important fix! I just wonder how long shall the volume-down work...

JoHe ( 2017-06-16 10:15:13 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-11-13 11:04:45 +0200

GermanJollaUser1 gravatar image

I had the same problem on a Jolla C. As it is a developer device with no service options and was bricked without a power button I decided to do open heart surgery.

It is simple to open:

  • Remove back cover/Remove Battery/Sim/SD/ Remove the small phillips screws (also the white head one in the lower corner)/ Lift of the black frame (Mind the loose switches)

  • Then you look on the back of the PCB. In the top left corner there is the power/volume up down button bar. It is connected with a 4 strand flex flat cable.

  • I reinserted the battery and connected pin 1 (battery side) and pin4, the phone booted.

  • Afterwards I resolderd the FFC as the contacts didn't look very good by slightly touching every solder point with mit soldering iron for <1sec.

  • The power button worked again, but not reliably. So I applied some contact cleaner to the white bar with the buttons, now it works again.

  • Retreat in reverse order.

Please mind that this may turn a phone into an even more bricked state

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Asked: 2016-11-11 14:21:36 +0200

Seen: 952 times

Last updated: Nov 13 '16