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how to roll back Rockpool version? [answered]

asked 2016-11-30 15:09:47 +0200

c.la gravatar image

updated 2016-11-30 15:10:17 +0200

Hi, about two weeks ago I updated my JP01 to 2.0.4 and after that I updated all warehouse apps. At that time 2.0.5 was not available, but soon I discovered that the latest rockpool version works only with 2.0.5.

Is there a way to get the 2.0.4 compatible version of rockpool?

Point is, new pebble firmware is out and it keeps bugging me with update notifications, but without app I can't update.

I don't want to use an early access version on the phone, so please point me to 2.0.4-compatible build of rockpool or to command line command to update pebble firmware.

thank you

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1 Answer

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answered 2016-11-30 15:45:28 +0200

chemist gravatar image

manpage for pkcon http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/pkcon.1.html

as I have no idea what the package is called I'd pkcon search name rockpool then pkcon download what-name-you-just-found then choose the version from the list pkcon asks you to choose from, then install from local

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Fixed thanks to TMO thread on rockpool: https://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1518635&postcount=585

zypper install --force rockpool-1.3-1

before installing zypper (pkcon install zypper) I had to do run pkcon refresh

thanks chemist

c.la ( 2016-11-30 16:23:55 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2016-11-30 15:09:47 +0200

Seen: 234 times

Last updated: Nov 30 '16