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Can't update to 2.1.1 [answered]

asked 2017-07-27 05:48:41 +0200

soheilbalini gravatar image

updated 2017-08-30 15:34:00 +0200

c.la gravatar image

Hi guys. that's what I did in last 48 hours on my Jolla C:

  1. updating the device from latest os to via update manager = boot loop
  2. reseting device with usb connection
  3. installing update via update manager = stuck + very slow connection
  4. installing update via terminal from to = full update = boot loop
  5. resetting device with USB connection
  6. installing update via terminal = device only updates two packages and then says: this process will break your device
  7. lot's of investigation and still no luck

now I'm stuck with an old OS & an update manager that has the "problem with store" and a terminal update process that eider fails or make the device enters boot loop. Any Idea?! :/ :/ :/

++ I can't believe or tutorial app has no skip button after all these years!

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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by c.la
close date 2017-08-30 15:33:44.944229


Having similar problems with my Jolla tablet (cant update right now, try again later/critical problem with registry). Have now given up - and left the message to constantly remind me that there is a new software update available

Ryan ( 2017-07-27 10:31:43 +0200 )edit

4 Answers

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answered 2017-07-27 13:39:28 +0200

jovirkku gravatar image

We have found an issue in the OS update repositories such that installing updates from 2.0.5 (or earlier) to tend to fail. This is being fixed in the update servers. Updates => should work ok. Note that 2.1.1 is a big update due to some vulnerability fixes in the libraries. Because of this the download phase can take tens of minutes. Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
-There will be another release candidate for early access subscribers one of these days.

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tnx for the clarification. leaving early access to get the old updates did the trick for me. nice to know that its being noticed.

soheilbalini ( 2017-07-27 14:20:27 +0200 )edit

Hi @jovirkku I reopened the question as on my JP01 I did a factory reset and now I'm upgrading to the latest SFOS release. I'm now at Saimaa, and the sailfish update wants me to update to whereas from your answer I'd expect to go to 2.0.5 first and then update to but this isn't happening.

Can you please check?

c.la ( 2017-08-29 23:02:58 +0200 )edit

@c.la: is the latest so-called stop release. Therefore the update path should be from 2.0.0 directly to 2.1.1. However, we have noticed that an update of JollaC from 2.0.0 may not work to 2.1.1 directly but could require installing 2.0.5 as an intermediate step. Forcing a device to 2.0.5 requires using the command line for the update. JP01 should update from 2.0.0 to 2.1.1.

jovirkku ( 2017-08-30 11:48:30 +0200 )edit

@jovirkku Thank you for the explanation, I'll probably manually update to 2.0.4 first as my last backup was taken at that version.

Or is it safe to restore a 2.0.4 backup from SFOS v. 2.1.1?

c.la ( 2017-08-30 12:25:53 +0200 )edit

@c.la: There were no major architectural changes to backup/restore in 2.0.5, 2.1.0 and 2.1.1, only some bug fixes improving robustness. From this respect we can expect that restoring a backup to 2.1.1 made with 2.0.4 should work. However, if you have the time and want to play safe then why not visit 2.0.4 and restore there.

jovirkku ( 2017-08-30 12:44:00 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-07-27 07:25:37 +0200

monkeyisland gravatar image

Skip tutorial touch the corners
Left top Right top Left Bottom Right Bottom


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wow this is useful!

magullo ( 2017-07-27 07:32:21 +0200 )edit

It's more like a Fatality command of Mortal Combat but ok! :D tnx

soheilbalini ( 2017-07-27 07:42:49 +0200 )edit

Just wow. Thats really good to know. Maybe they should tell that at the beginning of the tutorial.

BlaeX ( 2017-07-27 12:09:09 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-07-27 08:21:24 +0200

eson gravatar image

updated 2017-07-27 08:43:52 +0200

I had the exact same situation and it's because we are on early access program. The official solution is to first opt out of EA program and then fix your device with the help of Recovery Mode. The problem is that it will take days to opt out of EA program, so I made my own "opt out" solution. A little cumbersome but it works, and this is how...

First upgrade from to SFOS

ssu re
version --dup

Then repeat version --dup to SFOS

When you're on, you should be able to get a normal update to and finally

There might be an easyer solution that I didn't think of, but at least this worked for me.

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If the problem is EA then we should be able to update with a new user (of course after a hard reset)! interesting!

soheilbalini ( 2017-07-27 09:28:35 +0200 )edit

I guess changing user without even doing the hard reset did the job! I'm now seeing Ijoki as the first update. you helped A LOT.

soheilbalini ( 2017-07-27 09:33:16 +0200 )edit

Great! Good to know, if it happens again.

eson ( 2017-07-27 09:40:08 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-07-27 07:01:53 +0200

Rafaelvlmendes gravatar image

updated 2017-07-27 07:04:24 +0200

Hi. Try forced update for terminal..

1) Factory reset
2) Open developed mode
3) write that command:

ssu re
version --dup

So finish update write reboot
Try and say ews.. Bye

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As I wrote in my comment I already done that!! (at least 5 times) but tnx anyway

soheilbalini ( 2017-07-27 07:14:17 +0200 )edit

The Resetting device have an option remove looping. Can U try?
Other option U can copy system download here: https://together.jolla.com/question/148893/how-to-make-aqua-fish-to-think-its-jolla-c-not-modem/
Do the 2nd part... PS: I know you user Jolla C but have a system download and you can copy to SD and restore to your device.

Rafaelvlmendes ( 2017-07-27 07:46:38 +0200 )edit

the problem is not looping. the problem is updating. I can remove the loop, pass the loop but new release is uninstallable for me. I think it's skipping some packages for some reason! I don't know why

soheilbalini ( 2017-07-27 08:04:21 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2017-07-27 05:48:41 +0200

Seen: 1,326 times

Last updated: Jul 27 '17