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[Official Announcement] Introducing Sailfish X

asked 2017-08-25 17:14:16 +0200

James gravatar image

updated 2017-10-10 14:35:10 +0200

After months of development and hard work, we finally are ready to announce the details of our Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X project, called Sailfish X!

As you know, this is our first port of Sailfish OS to a 64-bit ARM architecture based device which introduced its own challenges regarding compatibility and ease of progress. Our engineers did however plow through the challenges and made a daily usable device out of the Sony Xperia X powered by Sailfish OS!

Sales day is getting closer

Here is everything we have in place now regarding Sailfish X:

  • Sales start date: October 4th, 2017
  • Product - what you will get:
  • Sailfish OS image to flash to your Xperia device - our target is to have the downloadable image ready by October 11
  • Android support, predictive text input, and MS exchange support as downloads from Jolla Store to your device
  • SW updates for one year, after which a continuation program will follow
  • Clear instructions and support for downloads & installation
  • Jolla Customer Care service
  • Availability: EU, Norway, Switzerland; US & CA to be confirmed
  • Price: 49,90€ (including VAT)

For the all the pioneers of the Sailfish Community Device Program, we also wanna offer a discount for the purchase of Sailfish X thanks to your continued support and passion. More information on that will follow soon.

For more information, please read our latest blog post.

Cheers, James Noori

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Thanks for all the work, a little longer of a wait but dates are great to have! Great work to the community, looking forward to moving over to it in the near future!

marxistvegan ( 2017-08-25 17:32:37 +0200 )edit

This is great news. I am happy to volunteer installing SailfishX from a Windows 10 pc, and write instructions how to do it. Can I have it now already? ;)

rob_kouw ( 2017-08-25 17:33:12 +0200 )edit


This look good ! Are you planning to provide devices to independent reviewers, so that we can get a feeling of what we can expect from sailfishOS on this device ? Reading a claim from Jolla company that you "made a daily usable device out of the Sony Xperia X powered by Sailfish OS" is not really the same as getting a review from an independant youtuber (or other media) explaining what works, how responsive the UI is, how well android apps work, etc.

vbregier ( 2017-08-25 17:41:42 +0200 )edit

"SW updates for one year, after which a continuation program will follow"

Part of the appeal of jolla/sailfish community devices is that you get updates for a long time. The J1 i have still gets updates. Could you be a bit more clear regarding this?

ApB ( 2017-08-25 17:46:42 +0200 )edit

@ApB I guess @James meant that the price only includes yearly updates and you'll have to pay for them afterward. Please correct me if I'm wrong :)

Aldrog ( 2017-08-25 18:03:57 +0200 )edit

30 Answers

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answered 2017-09-07 19:52:51 +0200

objectifnul gravatar image

Once (and if) SailfishX is released full-featured for a 64-bit device like Xperia X (I mean without any regression compared with current SailfishOS 32-bit, plus full support of all built-in Xperia components including Cortex & Adreno CPU/GPU, camera, BT, stereo audio, FM radio etc.) how difficult and how long would be to extend its capabilities to other (even all) devices with similar base components? In other words: is SailfishX designed with sufficient internal modularity/configurability to comply easily with HW variants?

Not asking because Xperia X isn't my cup of tea, but mainly because the future of Sailfish ecosystem is largely depending on how many HW platforms will be supported.

BTW, I already purchased my Xperia X, just in case. Not using it much for now, as unrooted Android is definitely uncomfortable for a Sailfish user.

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answered 2018-09-21 11:27:19 +0200

kaktux gravatar image

updated 2018-09-21 11:27:58 +0200


please clarify what SailfishX means in terms of phone warranty. Is warranty voided if SailfishX is flashed on a new corresponding Sony device - Yes or No?

As you start to find users on this platform describing problems with their phones and most seem to have lost their warranty by flashing SailfishX to a brandnew Sony phone Jolla has to clarify this point - as the answer seems to be: yes - but nowhere on SailfishX Site or announcement any remark about this very important issue can be found.

Also please clarify if the procedure you plan to offer for future phones with official sailfish build differs from the current.

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I'm afraid the responsible company for this (serious) issue is Sony, not Jolla.

The fact that Sony makes an agreement with Jolla for a specific Xperia port of SailfishOS, then denies warranty for devices with this joint product installed, appears to be unacceptable and difficult to understand.

objectifnul ( 2018-09-21 20:52:28 +0200 )edit

if sony is causing the problem in this matter jolla has to use their contacts to sony to help/support customers with any issues of this kind. and as already said: they have to adress/mention warranty to clarify for anyone interested in their products somewhere- as so far it is mentioned nowhere on the product pages. and when problems like this occur jollas support alarm bells have to ring. silence about something like that is the worst.

kaktux ( 2018-09-24 09:26:39 +0200 )edit

"if sony is causing the problem in this matter jolla has to use their contacts to sony to help/support customers with any issues of this kind" > is this your opinion or is there a law that says Jolla should do this? Jolla is only one of the os developers that belong to Sony's Open Device Program. I don't think the program and it's contacts should be used to local problems with Sony warranty cases etc. If I recall correctly, there also was a warning in Sailfish X instructions about the warranty case. But as Jolla has stated, this Sailfish X flashing right in this condition and now is for tech savvy people, which means you should understand what you're about to do. I would never blame Jolla for this or someone who have made the software if I install it manually without taking account the risks. Of course if you have problems with Sailfish itself, you can ask help from Jolla. But this is the fact: nor Sony or Jolla give you any help for something that they haven't offered.

If you are EU citizen then EU 1999/44 could help you. There's a case called vendor's liability, so it's either manufacturer or the re-seller where you bought it from. They'll have to always prove that you have caused the issue in the first place. Of course it differs where in EU you live and what kind of consumer protection laws etc. you have. This is helpful if you have modifications on your device and it breaks off. I have pretty good experience how this worked in Finland and even Sailfish OS installed my phone was repaired under the warranty.

Sakke ( 2018-09-24 11:49:18 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-08-27 08:51:34 +0200

Jens2017 gravatar image

Absolutely great! I wish Jolla the best for the future!

Using the backup data of the older Jolla devices should be possible I suppose? Just in order to continue using all SMS and further data easily.

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answered 2017-08-25 22:42:48 +0200

mattl gravatar image

At the moment I am not interested for paying for Sailfish OS that amount for a year with its current state, one time payment might be ok. I will continue to run Jolla 1 as my secondary/backup phone. But lack of official apps for major streaming services, messaging apps and so on is a problem, I cant name a single app for my jolla that is native from service provider. I find it cumbersome to have a need for android support to be able use common everyday apps. All so paying full price for phone(with os), paying for a different os, then flashing it my self and then if problems arise trying to get that solved with two customer service (jolla and phones seller) is something that doesn't appeal to me.

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You are triggering several problems: 1) Major apps or developer only tend to jump on OS with a significant volume of users. Thats not the case for Jolla. Thats the reason they are relying on android support which is in my opinion the right thing to do until they get more users on they system. 2) Jolly is pretty small company with financial issues in the past because they tried to jump on the hardware business which is challenging which not sufficient byers / volume (economies of scale). So they did the right thing to lean on software development and cut the hardware business. I think for such a small company they did pretty well in such a challenging market (licensing partners in Russia and China and more to come). For us as user we need to consider that nothing is for free. With Google we are also getting charged not with € but with our personal data or advertisement. Jolla needs to generate revenues in order to keep they business alive. I am willing to pay for software in order to prevent advertisement or personal data extraction. I am also paying for my email account for example because I am not willing to let google read all my emails. No service is for free (expect open source :) ). The more users are supporting Jolla and paying for software they deliver the more resource Jolla get and can push they system to the next level. 3) It is true that Sailfish OS is not as mature as IOS or Android. But please consider the company size. As I said I think they did pretty well - the OS is really good. I think we need to be patient. Jolla is not Apple they are relying on us and the community. We need to support each other in order to get an alternative to those big companies! :)

Imothep ( 2017-08-25 23:06:41 +0200 )edit

For me its OK. I"m fine to pay 50 EUR for SailfishOS, which is running on good HW. Lot of Sailfish Community Members are Linux geeks and i see no problem to start with a beta Version, which willbe update afterwards. For me its better than use Android or IOS.

ExPLIT ( 2017-08-25 23:08:22 +0200 )edit

I will also stick with my Jolla C for now, but for a different reason --- I currently use (1) dual SIM and (2) Bluetooth. I will be happy to pay my 50E once those two features work.

Federico ( 2017-08-25 23:25:37 +0200 )edit

Can I buy phone with the dual SIM option but only use a single SIM (wait until Jolle adapts to dual SIM once and for all) ?

manu007 ( 2017-08-26 11:56:44 +0200 )edit

@manu007 It has been stated lots of times. The only phone that is guaranteed to work with this version is the single-sim Xperia X F5121.

Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2017-08-28 09:36:56 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-09-20 00:38:14 +0200

deprecated gravatar image


When will US and North America be confirmed? I already bought my F5121 and will purchase Sailfish X as soon as it is made available, probably more than one license.

I heard it was a VAT/processing issue, not an issue of functionality. Any insight?


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It isn't coming, most likely not due to a payment difficulty or product delivery complication but due to patents. Patents are the reason the fingerprint reader on the Sony Xperia X is disabled in the software for North America-bound devices. The UK firmware, for example, includes this functionality. Alternatively or additionally the reason it isn't coming to the US/Canada could be a lack of compliance with CALEA.

oenone ( 2017-09-28 16:55:18 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-08-25 18:51:49 +0200

N9Sailfish gravatar image

Very nice indeed. Thank you! But was it mentioned above that PC with Linux is needed? There has to be also an option with PC Win 10 etc .....

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Who needs this? :)

Stefanix ( 2017-08-25 18:56:20 +0200 )edit

I guess the problem is the focus Jolla in this case. But nothing might stop the community from providing such tools.

tortoisedoc ( 2017-08-25 18:58:25 +0200 )edit

A live linux distribution running from a USB memory would probably be enough. ...and would not require an installation.

vattuvarg ( 2017-08-25 19:02:01 +0200 )edit

Assuming you know your way around Linux. Then however, who else using Jolla does not know their way around Linux?

tortoisedoc ( 2017-08-25 19:15:54 +0200 )edit

Should be possible to make a live CD/image with just the tools needed to flash the phone. So that may be another viable route.

sidv ( 2017-08-25 20:18:19 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-08-28 12:20:47 +0200

Huholoman gravatar image

Hello, nice to hear that. Do you already know what device will get next SFOS support? Or will be there some voting poll? How big chance does Xperia Compact X have to be the next device with SFOS support?


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answered 2017-10-10 19:27:54 +0200

pfbach gravatar image

Will it be possible to upgrade from community compiled Sailfish X to Jolla compiled version (like a normal upgrade procedure from Settings menu) to get the features that are not available in the community version? Or is flashing required?

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answered 2017-08-28 01:54:24 +0200

jakonator gravatar image

updated 2017-08-28 01:55:15 +0200

Nice :)

In my opinion it is a great thing that Bluetooth is still not working. Anyhow as a Jolla user from the first day on, I still believe in you guys and in the thought that we need a quiet open and user privacy respecting smartphone software which can compete against Google and Apple. But to make high quality content you need money, so shut up and take my money :D

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So great a thing that one of the uses I do most with my Jolla C, that is streaming music in car with Spotify to the Bluetooth system, won't work.

Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2017-08-28 08:01:02 +0200 )edit

I think you are really trying to find something wrong releasing it "early". Why not use your old Jolla if it's really so important issue, or wait until X becomes available with the features you need. Is someone twisting your arm to buy it the first day? I don't think it's great not to have BT for example, I use it a lot also. I just think it's not going to take that much longer to get it working.

Nrde ( 2017-08-29 11:00:37 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-10-12 10:26:16 +0200

Louis gravatar image

Can’t wait to get SailfishOS on my Xperia X :)

I just a a few questions: If I buy a license will it be locked to my account or can I transfer (eg. in the event of selling my device)? If I buy a license but get a new phone can I then transfer it to the new phone? :)

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Answered by James on the blog:

The license is tied to your account, but is definitely transferable if you write to us on Zendesk before you sell your device so we can help you out. And yes, if you get a new phone, it is definitely possible to transfer Sailfish X to it as it is tied to your Jolla account.

Louis ( 2017-10-12 17:14:23 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2017-08-25 17:14:16 +0200

Seen: 50,789 times

Last updated: Sep 23 '18