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[Official Announcement] Introducing Sailfish X

asked 2017-08-25 17:14:16 +0200

James gravatar image

updated 2017-10-10 14:35:10 +0200

After months of development and hard work, we finally are ready to announce the details of our Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X project, called Sailfish X!

As you know, this is our first port of Sailfish OS to a 64-bit ARM architecture based device which introduced its own challenges regarding compatibility and ease of progress. Our engineers did however plow through the challenges and made a daily usable device out of the Sony Xperia X powered by Sailfish OS!

Sales day is getting closer

Here is everything we have in place now regarding Sailfish X:

  • Sales start date: October 4th, 2017
  • Product - what you will get:
  • Sailfish OS image to flash to your Xperia device - our target is to have the downloadable image ready by October 11
  • Android support, predictive text input, and MS exchange support as downloads from Jolla Store to your device
  • SW updates for one year, after which a continuation program will follow
  • Clear instructions and support for downloads & installation
  • Jolla Customer Care service
  • Availability: EU, Norway, Switzerland; US & CA to be confirmed
  • Price: 49,90€ (including VAT)

For the all the pioneers of the Sailfish Community Device Program, we also wanna offer a discount for the purchase of Sailfish X thanks to your continued support and passion. More information on that will follow soon.

For more information, please read our latest blog post.

Cheers, James Noori

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Thanks for all the work, a little longer of a wait but dates are great to have! Great work to the community, looking forward to moving over to it in the near future!

marxistvegan ( 2017-08-25 17:32:37 +0200 )edit

This is great news. I am happy to volunteer installing SailfishX from a Windows 10 pc, and write instructions how to do it. Can I have it now already? ;)

rob_kouw ( 2017-08-25 17:33:12 +0200 )edit


This look good ! Are you planning to provide devices to independent reviewers, so that we can get a feeling of what we can expect from sailfishOS on this device ? Reading a claim from Jolla company that you "made a daily usable device out of the Sony Xperia X powered by Sailfish OS" is not really the same as getting a review from an independant youtuber (or other media) explaining what works, how responsive the UI is, how well android apps work, etc.

vbregier ( 2017-08-25 17:41:42 +0200 )edit

"SW updates for one year, after which a continuation program will follow"

Part of the appeal of jolla/sailfish community devices is that you get updates for a long time. The J1 i have still gets updates. Could you be a bit more clear regarding this?

ApB ( 2017-08-25 17:46:42 +0200 )edit

@ApB I guess @James meant that the price only includes yearly updates and you'll have to pay for them afterward. Please correct me if I'm wrong :)

Aldrog ( 2017-08-25 18:03:57 +0200 )edit

30 Answers

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answered 2017-08-28 01:06:07 +0200

Giacomo Di Giacomo gravatar image

My answer is rather a question. Does the Raspberry Pi count as a Linux PC or you mean an IBM PC?

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Its ARM so unless the tools used for installing SFOS on xperia can be compiled for ARM then i wouldn't expect it to work.

ApB ( 2017-08-28 01:15:55 +0200 )edit

In this case it would be correct to specify the need for an x86/x64 Linux PC, not just a Linux PC.

Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2017-08-28 07:59:29 +0200 )edit

As I don't work for jolla I wouldn't know for sure, but I assume u will only need ADB (Android Debug Bridge).

Threre is no reason this would not work on the pi, so check if there is adb for your pi disto.

Wuestenschiff ( 2017-09-19 18:35:34 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-08-29 13:08:20 +0200

ashwin_kp gravatar image

updated 2017-08-29 13:09:44 +0200

I agree with @leszek

No Bluetooth? no FM-radio? these are available in community ports.

And I do not want do any "magic on the device". Lot of users may not be proficient with Linux. why target tech-savvy? You are not selling your product to a 'post-beta testing group'. You are selling to an ordinary end-user who wants a phone for everyday use and does not want to tinker.

The installation should be as simple and straight-forward as possible. This should have been #1 item on the list.

Also, and the talk of "SW updates for one year, after which a continuation program will follow" sounds skeptical. All this combined, in my view, is destroying the experience.

I think the model used for JollaC / Intex Aquafish is the right way to go.

Now I wonder how the phones from JalaSoft and other forthcoming devices would be handled

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I also need Bluetooth, but as I have 3 Jolla 1 phones with working Bluetooth I can wait for Sailfish for Xpreria X to mature.

Targeting to tech savvy -users is required as the flashing tool is from Sony (https://developer.sonymobile.com/open-devices/flash-tool/) and it works only from Linux command line. Even if you use it to tinker with the android, you need Linux and command line. Creating a GUI (graphical user interface) for such a tool is possible, but it might not be as robust as required and making a good GUI costs money (a lot, usually).

I agree with you about the software license. 50 € for a year without describing what might come after (I want to have updates (security updates as bare minimum) to my phone as long as it works). I just hope the program continues in a sane manner. However, that said, I will support Jolla with my 50€ when the time comes. I have already ordered the Xperia X, and waiting for OS Availability.

This is a beginning. Who knows, either Jolla or Sony might later sell devices with Sailfish installed, but it is too soon for that. Jolla needs new devices for developers and for showing the portability of the OS. Sony sees this as a fruit of their open devices program. It might motivate Sony to invest more money to the project. In a way, with each OS port the available device selection widens and next porting projects are little easier.

Lupin ( 2017-08-29 20:34:50 +0200 )edit

Would like FM radio and NFC support.

DarkTuring ( 2017-12-03 19:32:00 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-08-25 19:06:22 +0200

Kalatti gravatar image

Thank you very much for making this community great.

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Hej Vattuvarg, thanks. Thus from where do we get instructions for this? How high memory? Does a simple usb memory stick suit for as the usb memory?

N9Sailfish ( 2017-08-25 19:13:34 +0200 )edit

Yes, any USB memory stick will do. Just remember that some linux distributions are larger than others. I use 4, 8 or 16 GB memory sticks for my Mageia 6 Live systems. But there are other live linux distributions that are smaller. Some are much smaller.


vattuvarg ( 2017-08-25 21:18:20 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-09-26 22:42:40 +0200

MariusP gravatar image

The Community build of SailfishX for XperiaX F5121 doesn't offer GPS functionality: csd tool reports GPS Fail. The official news about SailfishX https://blog.jolla.com/sailfishx/ doesn't tell anything about GPS not working. Did anyone succeed to make GPS working?

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Have you downloadet the newest version from Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build) ? I installed this build. GPS is working and find satelites.

chris_bavaria ( 2017-09-27 01:59:19 +0200 )edit

GPS works if you disable the Mozilla options in GPS settings.

deprecated ( 2017-10-11 15:58:21 +0200 )edit

GPS works ut not for all Android pps, here works maps.me with openmaps does not.

DarkTuring ( 2017-12-03 19:32:50 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-02-17 23:05:18 +0200

nosferatu gravatar image

This is a very good strategy for Jolla. I will be in the market soon for a new phone as I'm tired of my iPhone SE and my Asus Zenfone is dying rapidly. Was already interested in a Sony device but when I heard of the Sailfish x collaboration, it's very appealing. I don't oppose the subscription price either but I have a couple of questions.

  1. I'm assuming that one will not be able to dual boot Android and Sailfish OS?

  2. I'm in the US, so can I get the software to load onto the xperia X?

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  1. officially no dual boot
  2. officially not in States

I believe there are ways to ovecome both obstacles. Try searhing instructions here in TJC.

potski ( 2018-02-18 11:14:41 +0200 )edit


nosferatu ( 2018-02-21 00:41:38 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-09-12 22:35:53 +0200

DarkTuring gravatar image

For the Sony Experia Port please resolve the system and root partition data issue. Since day one of using SFOs i have been running out of systems memory and given that Sony Xperia has globs of please tripple baseline SFOS system data partition.

Instead of 2GB simply use and configure 6GB for SFOs all problems solved. Memory should not be an issue given that i can probably jam a 256GB into the Xperia sdcard slot.

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While the default is 2gb at least on the community-release I just resized the root-partition on my xperia-x to 5.5gb without problems with this method :)

jakibaki ( 2017-09-29 19:29:22 +0200 )edit

@jakibaki thats amazing because when i tried doing resizing on a live root partition i have been bricking one after another of my SFOS phones.

Would you be so kind to describe in enough detail and based on your eaxct example and case what commands you used in the terminal, including partition names, etc

Very much appreciated!!

DarkTuring ( 2017-10-11 08:49:15 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-09-12 22:54:27 +0200

DarkTuring gravatar image

For dual use (android/alien dalvik/ SFOS) files/folders please perform permissiom check as part of a maintenance script, weekly or monthly so permissions are set to read/write for files in nemo and on SD Card that relate to Camera, Gallerie, Contacts, Music, Documents so that the following doesnt happen anymore.


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answered 2017-10-12 10:28:53 +0200

Louis gravatar image

Have anyone tried Tap to wake on official Sailfish X?

Does it drain the battery?

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After 3 hrs aprox. 3%, in my opinion its well. Installing, browsing, no video, no pictures. I am satisfied.

orol ( 2017-10-13 21:27:05 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-09-19 00:54:19 +0200

jshaw gravatar image

With the 27th rapidly approaching, how are things looking?

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The odds are good that the goods are odd.

oenone ( 2017-09-19 03:22:31 +0200 )edit

what are we expecting ? a daily : date is still valid from james ?

pawel ( 2017-09-19 07:51:01 +0200 )edit

27th September is not so interesting, 11th October is. Actually no reason to order early as the amount of SF OS images shouldn't be limited like HW. Everyone here would probably like to get an update about the progress, but the community is used to be left in the dark. My expectations are low.

Stefanix ( 2017-09-19 10:04:54 +0200 )edit

big big plus, the later we order the longer will our 'one year free update' period last.

danfin ( 2017-09-19 16:29:04 +0200 )edit

I was mostly wondering if the 27th is still the actual pre-order date and to get a feel for how likely the October date is. Since we know that missed targets are fairly common both with jolla and with tech projects in general.

jshaw ( 2017-09-20 22:46:20 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-09-07 16:25:07 +0200

Moo-Crumpus gravatar image

after a while, askbot threads are unreadable

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Asked: 2017-08-25 17:14:16 +0200

Seen: 50,818 times

Last updated: Sep 23 '18