OS upgrade probably failed
Hi, juste like previous upgrades, upgrade is apparently going to fail: the progress bar stopped at about 80% after 30 minutes. One hour later, nothing has changed. Should I wait more ?
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Hi, juste like previous upgrades, upgrade is apparently going to fail: the progress bar stopped at about 80% after 30 minutes. One hour later, nothing has changed. Should I wait more ?
Anyone facing an OS update failure and willing to help us, please read the following support article. We would appreciate getting some logs from your device. They would help us figuring out what went wrong.
Should you prefer delivering your logs to us in private, consider filing a ticket at Jolla customer support and attaching your logs there.
Do not forget to tell us which device you have, the OS version before the update, detailed steps leading to the failure and if you had some changes in your system (apps etc.) originating from outside of Jolla Store.
Would like to help. Unfortunately, I was in an emergency, as my three years old Jolla isn't a geek toy, it's my everyday phone. So, recovery mode was my quickest option. Vital data were backed up before of course, so no real harm. This doesn't include system logs: lost at sea...
objectifnul ( 2017-09-10 23:14:20 +0200 )editI have managed to recover from the black screen after attempting the update without having to reset.
I followed Jolla Care's links to the recovery shell and spent time backing up to SD card, https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204709607-Jolla-Phone-How-to-use-Recovery-Mode
then thought I may as well have a go fixing it, before resetting. I used this post
to mount storage and chroot in. Setup networking, DNS /etc/resolv.conf, set date to avoid SSL errors, downloaded zypper (it wasn't installed) from Mer archive http://forum.jollausers.com/jolla-phone/installing-packages-with-zypper-from-mer-project/
In the shell the latest logs in /var/log/ showed harbour-callrecorder errors. So I first of all deleted the executable and everything I could find related to harbour-callrecorder.
I disabled all openrepos repos and then refreshed repos using ssu. Some errors appeared during repo refresh - from memory - d-bus errors, and it disabled some other repos.
zypper refresh, then zypper update. It attempted to update 200 packages, most were okay, some complained about chroot, but once finished, I rebooted and my Jolla came back to life! I then went in to the terminal and as root did version --dup and it installed some more packages, reboot and all still working, I've avoided a reset.
You are lucky - your upgrade failed, in my case I got info update get errors - reboot and that was end.
I have two JP01 and on both I had the same issue: factory reset and install all updates. I did upgrades from different versions so I think issue is on latest
I had the same problem on my Jolla 1. I found later that I had to remove also call recorder, thank's god I made a backup!
Ali Sajid Rehman ( 2017-08-30 13:40:46 +0200 )editI always removed it, but this time I forgot! Never update the phone in the night!
Ali Sajid Rehman ( 2017-08-30 13:52:29 +0200 )editHaving Call Recorder installed does not cause any SailfishOS update issue, having its demon (background task) running while updating SFOS does!
So it is sufficient just to stop Call Recorder completely, before updating SFOS (did that for the last two SFOS updates, worked well).
olf ( 2017-08-30 22:16:17 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2017-08-30 01:52:15 +0200
Seen: 1,139 times
Last updated: Sep 01 '17
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Didn't wait more than two hours => Recovery mode and reset. So I visited Finland (and some parts of Sweden): Ojijärvi Yliaavanlampi Björnträsket Eineheminlampi Saimaa Jämsänjoki
Phew. As all patches were removed before upgrade, as well as problematic apps (call recorder, phonehook), I'm suspecting one of my usual apps was guilty this time and previous times. Unfortunately, I didn't find out which one.
objectifnul ( 2017-08-30 03:51:21 +0200 )editIt's always nice to reminice what the UI looked like in previous releases whaen doing that :)
I have had to go the whole route a few times when an upgrade fails, it's a no problem really as long as you just have some time to do it.
juiceme ( 2017-08-30 07:37:20 +0200 )edit@objectifnul so you have succesfully updated from to From the version history I guess you too have a JP01.
I'masking because of this I'm holding the update:
c.la ( 2017-08-30 10:02:24 +0200 )editJP01 should update directly from 2.0.0 to 2.1.1. JollaC might not.
jovirkku ( 2017-08-30 11:57:28 +0200 )editUpdate looked like going ok, took really long over an hour, after restart at first it looked ok, but not wifi, no networking, giving the error "no networking available, reboot", nothing helps, no networking, no usable phone. in CSD everything woth networking, usb, bluetooth, wifi they fail.. Leaves noting much that factory reset and a day of work. Bit disappointed.
Update: I removed the keyboard other half and my phone just started ok, bit confused here now
filipb92 ( 2017-08-30 12:19:24 +0200 )edit