Email read on another device, status not updated on Jolla

asked 2018-01-03 23:50:32 +0200

shandon gravatar image

I think I have this exact problem on my Jolla 1 ( Kymijoki) even though this bug is apparently addressed:

Is that possible?

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certainly, which means this a duplicate and you should upvote the original question and close this one ...

rgrnetalk ( 2018-01-04 01:14:17 +0200 )edit

hmm, not.exactly, the issue was solved as solved. so.if it is here agin you would or create i guess.

the other issue is 3 years old!

pawel ( 2018-01-04 01:43:08 +0200 )edit

It's an IMAP account?

h.berd ( 2018-01-04 11:43:04 +0200 )edit

Yes it is an imap account. I think it may only occur when I have more than one email which is unread on my Jolla and then read on another device. I just did a test on a single email (read on another device), updated the account on my Jolla and it did correctly mark the email as read. Yesterday however when I head four or five emails which I read on my laptop my Jolla wouldn't mark tham as read, and this behaviour had been consistent for a few days until the test I did this morning! Typical isn't it!:) I will continue to monitor what it does. Thank you for the replies!

shandon ( 2018-01-04 11:52:02 +0200 )edit

Just tried again with a single email and this time my Jolla won't update the status to read. The behaviour seems a bit inconsistent. :/

shandon ( 2018-01-04 14:15:27 +0200 )edit