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[Xperia X] Roaming does not show local operator and does not show connection

Tracked by Jolla

asked 2018-01-07 15:39:14 +0200

Raymaen gravatar image

updated 2019-09-30 14:02:46 +0200

I'm from Germany. Over x-mas i was in Norway and after new Year in Switzerland.

My Phone (Xperia X) was always switched on. The roaming option was switched to "always on" in Norway (Oslo). But I did not get any connection. There was a striped sqare on the place where the 4G-symbol normally is. Setting to flightmode and back did not help. Also deactivating and activating mobile data did not work. After a restart, the system tried to connect to a network but it failed several times. I restarted again and tried to connect to a network manually, but there was no regional provider shown. All that was shown was "T-mobilde.de" and that 3 times! So I chose the first one. It got connected somehow, but it did not work well. So restart again and auto connection to network ("T-mobile.de" in Oslo???). Then I had to play around with those settings over and over again after loosing connection the whole time i was in Norway.

In Switzerland i switched off mobile Data because the data-roaming has enormous costs there (0,49EUR for 50kB)!!! The Problem was again, that i did not see the regional providers of Switzerland and an automatic connection did not work. So again and again restart the Phone until i got connection (sms). Also the Symbols showed a 4G Connection with the two active triangles while the Dataconnection was switched off. That bug could cause a lot of costs for customers and has to be resolved as fast as possible with a patch!! I've read about something similar in another thread: (--> https://together.jolla.com/question/175003/bug-fixed-mobile-network-gets-lost-crossing-borders/). There the Guy got a fix sent via Email after contacting jolla-support... will this fix get out fast to all the xperias in the coming days? This Issue makes Sailfish X unusable in other Countries!

Update: comment by Juvirkku: The upcoming 2.1.4 release (expected in February; early access in January most likely) contains a fix for mobile data. It concerns automatic network selection, especially when crossing country borders. So there is hope this stadard functionality will work after update 2.1.4!

Update 2: it looks like nothing has been patched in and the connectivity is still in a verry bad shape. How is Jolla planing on conquer the the markets with such a messed up connectivity of the system??? Please concentrate on these bugs before you invest your limited resources into other devices! Noone wants a new device that you have to restart again and again just to be able to make a call!

Update 3: This bug is stil present in the actual update! No promises made by Jolla how and when this huge problem gets resolved so far.

Update 4: This bug is stil present in the actual update! Since the last Sailfish meeting there are some answers about the progress of investigation: "Our modem sailor said that it is an involvingly complex task with Android's RIL daemon. He has looked in numerous times, but hasn't found a magic trick to make RIL behave. (It's yet to be confirmed whether an Android BSP update to 8 would fix the issue or not, but community with enough time/roaming and a xperia x to spare could flash AOSP and confirm) we're focusing the android 8 effort on xa2 first, and will consider xperia x thereafter only"

maybe somebody who is able and has the time to revert to android and confirm the above behavior could post an answer and make it a Wiki for others to join... maybe we could help Jolla to delimit this issue this way.

Update 5: This bug is stil present in the actual update! Due to the not planned release of a higher version of android layer for Xperia X this solution seems to be abandoned, as there is absolutely no news or hints about the progress. A lot of comunity members have gathered information, but there seems to be no solution in sight.

Update 6: This bug is stil present in the actual update! The Connenctivity Parts have been slightly updated but that did not solve the issues at all! Still waiting... :-( Jolla where is your priority???

Update 7: This Bug is stil present in the actual update! This week I was in France and had the Xperia X and XA2 with me. The roaming worked on the XA2 without any issues. This time without simcard issue after passing the border (Oprator in France: Orange, at home in Germany: Drillich O2). On the X it was again without any changes simply horrible and not usable. loooong waiting for network search, then no connection. Then somhow got connected... then again no connection.

I had to use Here Maps for navigation on my XA2. With the provider bug from O2 the app it was not usable. So I had to play around with the Thetering on XA2 to create a WLAN for the X to be able to use Here Maps in France! This is insane! Why do I have to use 2 phones to get a workaround for a standard functionality? Please Jolla fix that already!!!

Any coments Jolla?

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just came.from slovenia and croatia.

in slovenia all was working as expected.

in croatia i could not.get a.data connection. then i did remember that i had the same issue on jolla1 two years back.

i did download the docs from my provider and did adapt the conn settings. in my case from web to webaut

aftet that all was working.fine

pawel ( 2018-01-07 19:38:11 +0200 )edit

this is kinda crap if we have to do that manually... Jolla should update these informations automatically on a regular basis.

Raymaen ( 2018-01-07 21:40:13 +0200 )edit

Had the same issue with not getting connected after beeing in basemant where no network was available. Sometimes setting flightmode once helped, but most times restart needed. I'm from Germany and also have T-Mobile.

SaimenSays ( 2018-01-07 23:44:34 +0200 )edit

I'm currently Czech Republic, having just bought a .cz sim card, as both the .au & .pl sim cards I have (I'm holidaying in Poland from Australia)

@pawel What I understand you're saying is endusers need to contact Jolla when they go overseas to get the network settings?

This from a European company, for software that's only available for purchase in Europe? If I was based here this would be a dealbreaker.

Does anyone know what settings I need for t-mobile.pl to work in .cz?

rfa ( 2018-01-09 20:20:45 +0200 )edit

Living in Switzerland and crossing the border to France, got the same problem. I started a new thread : https://together.jolla.com/question/177574/mobile-network-issues/

pascalm ( 2018-01-10 17:29:13 +0200 )edit

13 Answers

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answered 2018-07-04 13:02:40 +0200

Spark gravatar image

updated 2018-07-04 13:05:48 +0200

I reported this in other threads already: Seemingly you won't get around a revert to Android and a reinstall of Sailfish. For me it solved everything (except for the "Sim card removed" issue @molan reported above). Just take the 2 hours and you will have peace after it. I know it is not a smooth solution or what you want to hear, but a functioning phone was worth it to me. By the way this also solved issues of failed reconnecting after network loss in my national network.

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It would be great to have an official statement by Jolla about this major issue, as this question ist already tracked by Jolla. Somehow I get tired of hoping and waiting, playing and repairing around in the software and hardware of the XperiaX (Had a broken rear camera Module). This is a Major Issue and affects nearly every user in every country. there has to be a solution without reflashing back to android (what version anyway..? and how?) and again back to sailfish (backup of everything installed is also work...). Driverupdates or other stuff that causes these issues should be deliverable through an update.

Raymaen ( 2018-07-04 18:39:07 +0200 )edit


I am not an expert in these things, just a regular user. This issue however is not affecting "nearly every user in every country" as you wrote which you can even deduct from the relatively low number of complaints here. It seems to have to do with the implementation of Sailfish OS into the underlying system layer, whatever that is exactly. Maybe others can help out there. In some cases (rare or not so rare might be arguable) something with the network module software goes wrong during SF installation causing connectivity issues. Jolla itself stated, the fundamental reason is not known (source: mail conversation with the support). It is not simply solved by a driver update, otherwise they had done so.

What you have to do is revert to Android and actually use Android for calls and data connection for some minutes. After that install Sailfish again. The link describing the whole procedure was given in a posting above. Yes, it is unfortunate, I have been through the whole process and also trying to find a workaround before. And yes it is a major issue. But the only solution as of now is the reinstall.

Spark ( 2018-07-04 19:43:56 +0200 )edit

Well, I must disagree with you. This roaming issue is present since the very beginning of Jolla. See question: https://together.jolla.com/question/48265/no-roaming/ or: https://together.jolla.com/question/34219/cant-get-data-connection-while-roaming/ and more (just search for "roaming" or: https://together.jolla.com/question/175003/bug-fixed-mobile-network-gets-lost-crossing-borders/ @leonneberga got a fix from the Jolla helpdesk. So there is a software solution for this problem! many people from different countries have reported this problem in the comentsection of a lot of those questions. Maybe most people dont go abroad but if they do, they dont report... I'm not willing to invest more time in a Maybe-Solution. Jolla schould react officially!

Raymaen ( 2018-07-05 10:20:55 +0200 )edit

I know those topics. I think two assumptions you made are not valid: First, a handful of reports for sure show an issue, but not neccessarily a general issue everyone has. There's enough Jollas and Xperias which work just fine in roaming. Just like the ones with a reinstall which now also work (with the same software). Complaints in support/community boards tend to distort the proportions of a problem, as happy people usually don't complain.

Second, Loenneberga got a fix after he sent the ofono logs to support. My logs however were unsuspicious and still I had no roaming connection. Could be issues with different origins but same symptoms.

I repeat myself: Get a reinstall and this topic will stop spinning in your head. In the end it will be faster than roaming (sorry) TJC for hours.

Spark ( 2018-07-05 11:11:05 +0200 )edit

Sorry @Spark...many of us who travel for work all over the globe have to deal with this nonsense regularly. If I stay in my home country of Germany the phone works nicely. However, when it's time to go on a business trip this crap goes on every day until I'm back home. Just today, I rebooted the phone about 20x because when you lose a signal or it can't connect you get that ridiculous "sim card removed...restart the device". I don't want to restart the device, fix the ofono stack, we'll be happy and won't have to post on these similar threads over and over. This is basic functionality here...we're not asking for some exotic functionality. The whole blaming the Android stack is a joke...it works on Android. That's the typical respone of a vendor who doesn't know how or can't fix the problem...blame another vendor. All of us on these boards support this company and their product but the lack of responses to certain topics is getting old now. The new response is "we're dealing with XA2 now so the rest of you can go fly a kite...btw, when the XA2 is ready, you can buy a new license from us, only 50Euros.", yeah, sure I will. God forbid you get stuck on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. The last thing you want to deal with is your mobile telling you to reboot 20x because the "sim was removed...restart the device".

Desmo ( 2018-10-04 04:56:48 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-09-19 09:15:41 +0200

neo75 gravatar image

updated 2018-09-19 09:24:03 +0200

I have the same issue still with latest update of Nurmonjoki I have SIM card T-Mobile.CZ from Czech Republic. Now I am in Germany and the phone cannot get connected to any mobile network. I tried several things like restarted the phone, flight mode on/off, followed the steps described in Jolla Zendesk with Ofono Logger, done the 'rm -rf /var/lib/ofono/*' in developer mode, but the problem is still same. Only wifi works, otherwise the phone is unusable.

The same issue I had in Greece this summer. No signal of local operator at all.

I think this is a big bug, which needs to be solved. I have now sent to Jolla the report from Ofono Logger, hope it helps. Thank you.

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As I wrote in a couple of other threads on this issue (I've been thorugh this): Revert to Android, reflash Sailfish. It seems to be the only option. Yes, it is annoying. But you have the choice to wait until maybe some day there will be a fix, or you invest the two hours and solve the issue for your phone.

Spark ( 2018-09-19 12:28:02 +0200 )edit

Thanks. The problem is time. My phone XperiaX had before an Android 7.0 installed. Strange thing is, that something new is written here: https://jolla.com/sailfishx-linux-instructions/"IMPORTANT – Do not skip this step: Use your Xperia X some time with Android OS. Check that phone calls can be made and received, that you can browse the Internet..."

Half year ago, when I was installing my SailfishX, this advice was not there!

I am thinking (have no deeper knowledge) that something must happen (during such a call under Android) on lower level of the hardware, which remain changed even if I install Sailfish over it...

neo75 ( 2018-10-05 23:11:39 +0200 )edit

Everyone learns from bugs, so do probably the developers from jolla. Since the issue seems to have occured a couple of times, they added the mentioned advice to the install instructions which was formerly only given to the bug fixing instructions. I would call it prevention.

Spark ( 2018-10-05 23:33:25 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-08-14 10:35:47 +0200

jiit gravatar image

Hello, is anybody having roaming issues after the update? What is the situation? Thank you.

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I have still roaming issues, but I have a cronjob running that restarts the ofono service in such a situation but not in all. So I can't be sure that it would work now without my solution. But why do you ask? Is there a particular change in the last release that should fix it?

mascha ( 2019-08-14 12:33:43 +0200 )edit

Some improvements have been made in the latest release to address roaming issues; so your feedback is very much welcome.

jiit ( 2019-08-14 14:09:03 +0200 )edit

will go to France in mid September so i will test ist with X and XA2

Raymaen ( 2019-08-14 16:09:32 +0200 )edit

Hi, I've been on a European tour going through 5 different countries, CH, DE, NO, DK, NL and roaming worked as it should. Only thing is there is no operator name shown, I have a Swisscom SIM and it shows Swisscom for all operators. Not a big deal for me. When changing country it happened that I had to wait quite some time before the new network was found.

The biggest problem I have is that 4G does not work correctly or at all. I flashed back to Stock Xperia X firmware and could use it with no problems. Back on Sailfish the phone will not receive SMS or phone calls once it lost network and found it back, 4G or 3G, no difference here. It always had this and I can reproduce it by going in a place with no network signal. And that is my biggest issue.

I will flash back to stock Sony firmware and use it for a month to be sure the phone works correctly.

Maximilian1st ( 2019-08-14 17:44:02 +0200 )edit

I was in Italy a couple of weeks ago, and after disabling air plane mode, my XA2 ( took a very long time searching for a network ... and failed, after a reboot it did find a network. In the top of the display it showed Telenor DK / Telenor DK. 4G data, SMS and talk worked without any problems. When we returned to Denmark it didn't have any problem connecting.

Kim ( 2019-09-30 16:34:18 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2018-01-07 15:39:14 +0200

Seen: 4,326 times

Last updated: Sep 30 '19