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SIM card removed issue with SailfishX

Tracked by Jolla

asked 2018-03-26 23:44:47 +0200

richie gravatar image

updated 2019-08-06 10:20:29 +0200

jovirkku gravatar image


Since upgrading to, it maybe a coincidence, but I keep on getting this message on Sony X, official SailfishX

SIM card removed

You need to restart the device to activate the inserted SIM OK

Yet I have not taken the SIM card out. I have a cover on the X, so to fix it I reboot. Considering I do not touch the SIM at all and a reboot gets the SIM recognised again, I'm wondering if it is a bug, as I have only noticed it since upgrading. It doesn't happen that frequently, 3 occasions since updating.

Is anyone else seeing this as an issue?

*Update: Bug still present in SFOS release, even after editing /etc/ofono/ril_subscription.conf

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I have remarked that behaviour. At first I thought of a bad contact and cleaned up my SIM contacts but I am now sure there is a bug or similar making the system believe the SIM was removed.

I eventually use a F5122.


ddelamarre ( 2018-03-28 15:19:02 +0200 )edit

The frequency of this happening has increased for me, so I too have removed the SIM card and cleaned it. I'll see how it goes.

richie ( 2018-03-31 12:00:42 +0200 )edit

Hi Same for me. The frequency is, however, not regular at all.

I realize the phenomenon is exacerbated by an intensive WIFI or IO like updating maps for OSMscoutServer. Also it occurs only from upgrade, it occurs irrespective of my phone moving, or staying stable on a table i.e. exposed or not to vibrations. Therefore definitely not a hardware issue.


ddelamarre ( 2018-04-13 14:33:35 +0200 )edit


I had an answer from Jolla support saying this is probably due to the fact I use a F5122 i.e. dual SIM that is not formally supported in 2.1.4 worked with 2.1.3 by chance. Release 2.2.0 will support F5122 and is due in May.

I hope that helps being patient and avoid smashing the phone against a wall like I feel sometimes like an itching when it tells me the SIM was removed too often ...


ddelamarre ( 2018-04-18 22:59:13 +0200 )edit


just for information, I did the community recommended changes for dual SIM like in https://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1534540&postcount=1061 and few other places.

I have not got any new incident. However, I cannot swear this is the reason and a solution ...


ddelamarre ( 2018-05-01 00:11:54 +0200 )edit

18 Answers

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answered 2019-01-23 23:41:40 +0200

slowcyclist gravatar image

I want to add that this does not require crossing borders or being in remote areas as other answers/comments report. It happens to me while staying whithin 3km of my home, 30 km away from Paris. Not really a region with poor cellular coverage! Sometimes the bugs occurs 4 times in a single day. And then it may not occur for 10 days in a row...

For those who are not affected by that issue let me also clarify that when the bug strikes, you have no way to know until you actually check your phone. You may have been offline for 5 minutes or 5 hours... Good luck explaining to your spouse/partner/boss that you were unreachable because of a bug in your phone's OS... Major usability issue!

Since I'm so frequently affected, I have offered to help debugging. I have spontaneously emailed ofono logs; I've tried to get attention in zendesk; I have received no answer whatsoever...

According to the original post it seems to be a regression introduced with Sailfish 2.1.4... That should not be so hard to check what was changed in the telephony stack (likely ofono). It has been 10 month since this has been reported and still not even an official statement about what Jolla has found, what needs to be done regarding fixing this bug...

At the top this issue is marked "Tracked by Jolla". Seriously? Come on Jolla! All we can see is the just the opposite. In the end I find this false statement really offensive. By the way, why not using a proper bug tracker facing the open world like everyone in FOSS? Something to hide, maybe? Like doing absolutely nothing on this issue?

In the end, sick and tired of this situation, I came up with a workaround for myself: I have a script watching for the SIM "getting lost" and when that occurs, it reboots the phone ("sudo reboot" -- Rebooting only the SIM card reader would be clearly better, but it is not documented how that can be done). That requires using my auto pin enter script to get back online automatically. That works, and the phone is offline only the time it takes to reboot... However, it is not a solution, it's a hack: It needs developper mode (for sudo), editing text files, setting up systemd services...

In conclusion my Xperia X F5122 running Sailfish OS is not intrinsically dependable for being reached. I think I have been very patient, quite supportive of Jolla and Sailfish (I own a Jolla 1 and I bought an an Xperia X license), but I am frustrated not seeing any solid and useful interaction with Jolla and not trusting Jolla is going to do what its users need and expect. I'm seriously considering moving to something else, trully and fully open.

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answered 2019-07-23 11:34:30 +0200

jovirkku gravatar image

updated 2019-08-09 09:46:22 +0200

Sailfish OS update 3.1.0 (available for early access subscribers now, and to all users in a couple of weeks) contains the following workaround for those who suffer from this SIM related issue and don't really need the SIM application toolkit (STK), i.e. services running in the SIM card provided by your cellular operator.

On 3.1.0 it is possible to disable the STK completely which hopefully eliminates those incorrect "SIM card removed" messages.

NOTE: The following requires that you have solid experience in using Linux commands and files. Otherwise your attempt might cause more problems than bring benefit. Do not try it if you feel unsure.

This can be tested in the following way - you will need the developer mode and a text editor for it:

cd /etc/ofono
cp ril_subscription.conf original_ril_subscription.conf  ## save it, just in case...
vi ril_subscription.conf

Add the following line to section [Settings] :


Save the file. Restart the device.

Please report if this help in your case or does not help.

NOTE: The SIM-based services will not run on your phone, now, until you remove the line you added to the .conf file.

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Traveliing from NL to FR this issue rendered my XA2 (Single SIM H3113, EA) useless. Applied the suggested change ~8 hours ago and haven't seen the issue since, fingers crossed :)

misja ( 2019-07-23 21:44:15 +0200 )edit

Currently 2 days in since the change and still have a stable mobile connection. Whilst traveling around in FR the SIM card removed message did pop up at times though, possibly because of access point switching?

misja ( 2019-07-25 23:49:03 +0200 )edit

I've edited the file as mentioned above three days ago and no issues since then. I hope the problem is solved for me. Thanks a lot and kiitos. Edit: Convert to answer accidently and posted as comment new.

silta ( 2019-07-27 01:48:51 +0200 )edit

Applied this setting and I didn't even get 24hours before I got the sim card removed message. So I'm afraid this hasn't fixed it for me, I still have to reboot to regain mobile network.

richie ( 2019-08-02 22:16:00 +0200 )edit

Now I'm back in Germany from my journey to Italy via Switzerland and the problem occurred only once in Italy. When I clicked OK in the popup „SIM card removed. You need to restart the device to activate the inserted SIM”, the message disappeared immediately and doesn't come back. No reboot needed. My configuration are SFOS EA on Xperia X single sim with german telekom simcard (it includes EU roaming also in Switzerland).

silta ( 2019-08-06 18:59:51 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-09-16 18:00:52 +0200

vision gravatar image

Confirming the issue as well for both F5121 and F5122. Since the issue is known now for almost 6 months I am wondering whether Jolla has it on his list of bugs to be fixed ASAP!? If not... please do so ;).

My experience this week:

Travelling from Germany to Austria:

SIM card removed. You need to restart the device to activate the inserted SIM OK

One hour later… travelling from Austria to Slovakia:

SIM card removed . You need to restart the device to activate the inserted SIM OK

Expecting the same annoying behaviour this evening when travelling back. Since I have persuaded my wife to use SFOSX instead of Android I now have the discussion about the reliability of SailfishX on the Xperia X ;).

@Jolla: It's your turn now ;)

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when traveling in boarder areas, Germany, Austria, Switzerland the F5122 is not usable, cause either sim1 or sim2 is "removed". The message even pops up every some some seconds, to the device is unusable! Workaround: flight mode or disable both sims. Thats not what i did expect...

jollaticktack ( 2018-11-11 10:52:04 +0200 )edit

This internet site is truly a walk-through it actually may be the details you wanted concerning this. Paint Solutions Dr Phillips

casseverhart13 ( 2019-11-22 05:16:39 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-12-27 13:11:22 +0200

deepblue17 gravatar image

Same problem here even after upgrading to Sailfish X version 3 on an single sim F5121. Problem occurs with various Sim cards from different providers in different countries (tested mainly in Asia in the last months). The main issue is, that this problem also occurs, if there is no network at all, especially in remote areas. Hence, a reboot doesn't or cannot solve the problem at all. In theory that would not been a problem, but as this message pops up every 5 seconds, it makes the phone useless, especially if you still have a GPS signal and want to use it. Also setting the phone to flight mode (before) you're entering remote areas doesn't help at all. The annoying message still pops up. Sometimes it helps to deactivate the mobile data connection, but not always. After returning to an area with network connection (of a supported provider) a simple reboot solves the problem and it does not occur any longer...until the next border crossing or entering remote area.

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And most likely during these days a lot of Sailfish X users were/are facing this issue while visiting family/friends around the world. It again was very annoying when I was crossing borders four times during the last days.

@Jolla: Issue (9 months old) is "Tracked by Jolla".... Seriously???

vision ( 2018-12-27 14:10:06 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-11-20 15:22:29 +0200

jovirkku gravatar image

updated 2019-11-20 15:52:37 +0200

This was the first attempt to eliminate the problem:

Using the command line is not convenient for everyone. Therefore, the next step was to automate the same:

On Sailfish 3.2.0, SIM Toolkit is automatically disabled if event "SIM reset" is observed.

  • No need to use the command line or do anything else. It is done for you in the background. Some details:
  • "SIM reset" is the way ofono reacts to "UICC Reset" command received from the STK app (running on the SIM card). It looks like SIM removal (and re-insertion) to the rest of the system. This false information was causing that "SIM removed" dialog to appear. Under normal circumstances, ofono never enters this internal "SIM reset" state.
  • Crossing a state border apparently triggers the false "UICC reset" in case of some SIM cards while most cards work ok.
  • STK will stay disabled till the next restart of the device.
  • All other SIM functions (except for the interactive STK menu) keep working normally.

Please report here if this issue keeps persisting after you have updated your phone to OS version 3.2.0.

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Yes, it is still present. (My physical mod only reduced the frequency.) How is "STK will stay disabled till the next restart of the device" supposed to help if restart is the only recovery path?

attah ( 2019-11-20 15:50:35 +0200 )edit

Some logs... Simkit stuff seems to happen after "no sim"?

Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish ofonod[2952]: data reg changed 1 -> 0 (unregistered), attached 1
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish ofonod[2952]: Deactivating context: 1
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish statefs[2823]: "/net/connman/service/cellular_240017145612580_context1"  status -> "configuration"
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish ofonod[2952]: Deactivating context: 1
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish ofonod[2952]: Clearing active context
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish ofonod[2952]: Deactivated data call
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish ofonod[2952]: No SIM card
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish statefs[2823]: Ofono: no sim
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish statefs[2823]: Cellular status Registered -> Offline
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish statefs[2823]: Unregistered
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish ofonod[2952]: SMS History Remove for modem: 0x222838
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish statefs[2823]: Technology (type= "wifi" ) tethering is  ""
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish simkit[4648]: [D] unknown:0 - /simkitagent/ril_0 - Release
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish simkit[4648]: [D] unknown:0 - updating .desktop 0
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish statefs[2823]: Technology (type= "bluetooth" ) tethering is  ""
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish statefs[2823]: Technology (type= "gps" ) tethering is  ""
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish simkit[4648]: [D] unknown:0 - updating .desktop 0
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish simkit[4648]: [D] unknown:0 - /simkitagent/ril_0 - Object unregistered
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish statefs[2823]: Cellular_interfaces=( SimManager , VoiceCallManager , ExtSimInfo , )
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish statefs[2823]: Reset cellular network properties
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish statefs[2823]: Cellular status Offline -> Disabled
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish statefs[2823]: Reset properties
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish statefs[2823]: Reset sim toolkit properties
Nov 20 20:06:56 Sailfish statefs[2823]: Reset connection manager
attah ( 2019-11-20 21:21:40 +0200 )edit

Still present in 3.2.0 with Xperia X 5122, and it is started when I added the second SIM card. Before I had an SD card.

cocof2001 ( 2019-11-24 00:42:06 +0200 )edit

Indeed while traveling last week and crossing borders it popped up (Xperia X 3.2), but compared to previous versions, when I pressed OK it disappeared and never showed up again. Previously I had to stop somewhere and reboot the device, so perhaps this now is working as designed.

A notification with one time click "OK" and reconnecting automatically when cell is available is acceptable for me.

deloptes ( 2019-11-24 04:11:06 +0200 )edit

Hi all, it is worse then ever before, occuring a dozen times a day. Xperia X F5121 and 3.2.1

dhura ( 2020-01-08 23:16:09 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-07-17 09:32:22 +0200

krisko gravatar image

As a workaround you can select network manually.

Note that this does not work when the issue already occurs, so you have to reboot the phone before choosing the network.

This is definitely a SW issue and is present also in SFOS 2.2.0 (I have Xperia X).

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mcencora ( 2018-07-17 15:00:56 +0200 )edit

Confirming too. I had it the first time when roaming in France and then lot of times. Xperia X with official SailfishX.

silta ( 2018-08-02 13:08:44 +0200 )edit

Confirming @silta 's comment. I have the F5121 and it occurs in roaming. Always when switching borders to a new network. But also from time to time when staying in a foreign country. For me about once a day, possibly due to change of the roaming provider/network.

Spark ( 2018-08-02 21:42:54 +0200 )edit

I get the same issue consistently when switching networks while roaming, but also in my home country if I happen to lose a network connection, or have a very weak signal strength: so it seems like it's not just roaming that causes this. Interestingly, the cellular connection goes on and off while the issue happens, and so the phone is still capable of receiving texts etc.

tadzik ( 2018-08-29 16:16:33 +0200 )edit

I confirm the issue. The situation appeared to me only when crossing borders (same case as @Spark). I was some days between Italy and Switzerland and each time I changed between CH-IT networks, I got the SIM not recognized message. I live in Germany and have a German SIM used in a F5122.

lupastro ( 2018-09-02 22:31:46 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-06-08 23:22:33 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2019-06-25 08:37:33 +0200

Raymaen gravatar image

Maybe a list of affected devices and the exact versions would be helpful:

  • Xperia X F5121 since the 2.1.14 release
  • Xperia X Dual SIM F5122 since ?
  • Xperia XA2 H3113 since 3.0.2.x or 3.0.3.x? (no occurrence under the beta release)
  • Xperia XA2 Dual SIM H4213 since ?
  • Xperia XA2 single SIM (always when roaming)!
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XA2 H4213 Dual Sim, same issue. I have two of these phones, one running SFOS (Hossa), the other one Android. Sim card works fine on Android, but gets disconnected on SFOS, as such I would suspect an OS issue.

This is the one bug stopping me from using SFOS as a daily carry.

Kobold ( 2019-06-09 11:54:52 +0200 )edit

@Kobold Do you know in which version this error occurred for the first time?

Epicuri ( 2019-06-09 13:02:17 +0200 )edit

It started with the first realease of SFOS 3, which was the main reason to go xa2. The only delta being the frequency with which it happens.

Kobold ( 2019-06-10 11:19:47 +0200 )edit

i have it on the Xperia X F5122 since, most of the time when i cross a boarder.

BlaeX ( 2019-06-13 18:06:57 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-06-10 14:56:49 +0200

pakman gravatar image

updated 2019-10-04 01:05:11 +0200

I get this with my F5122 as well, almost always when entering a new country, although it has happened once or twice at home. It has happened both when coming out of flight mode after landing in another country, and when crossing a border by train. Usually a reboot is enough to fix the problem, and now I normally reboot when starting to roam or crossing a border. However, around last Christmas/New Year in France (Marseille) it got so bad that my phone became unusable. Luckily, it mostly affected one SIM, so I was able to disable it and buy a data pack for the other one. That saw me through the rest of my stay, with only the occasional reboot.

As @slowcyclist pointed out, part of what makes this really serious is the impact that this has on other people who are trying to get in touch with you. They won't cut you any slack because you have been let down by the weird phone that you insist on using, and that can't do half of the things that theirs can.

EDIT 2019-07-18: I have just come back from another short trip to France and Spain, and phone-wise it was a nightmare. I will never go abroad again without my trusty old Wileyfox Swift (now running Lineage) as a backup. The problems started when I arrived in France, and found that SIM 1 couldn't send or receive SMS messages, although it could still make calls. I called the SIM issuer, who couldn't see any problem from their end. After a day or two, that SIM started showing the "SIM card removed" message repeatedly. I had to disable it. When I crossed into Spain, SIM 1 was OK, but SIM 2 started giving the same problem. I know it is frustrating for devs to read reports about these kinds of things without detailed logs or diagnostics, however when these problems hit me, I am usually in the company of people who don't have much tolerance with me taking time out to fiddle with my phone rather than getting one that works (like theirs). I am going abroad again in a few weeks, and the people that I will be with are less bothered by this kind of thing: I will try to get some more detailed diagnostics if it happens again.

I know that reflashing to Android and back to SFOS might fix the problem, but:

  1. OTOH it might not fix it
  2. this is not something that I expect to have to do with a daily driver. I already have another device that needs to be reflashed and set up again from scratch, and I am waiting for the free evening that I will need for that.

EDIT 2019-08-21: I have managed to capture the output of "dmesg" and "journalctl" when I was hit by this problem recently, and I have sent them to Jolla support. Here is a relevant-looking extract from journalctl which appears to show a SIM switching off (I am not an expert on mobile communications though, so someone else may have more insight):

Aug 13 18:05:10 Sailfish statefs[654]: Ofono status  "roaming"
Aug 13 18:05:10 Sailfish statefs[654]: Cellular status Denied -> Roaming
Aug 13 18:05:10 Sailfish statefs[654]: Registered
Aug 13 18:05:10 Sailfish statefs[654]: Operator  QVariant(QString, "I TIM")
Aug 13 18:05:10 Sailfish statefs[654]: Setup current operator properties
Aug 13 18:05:11 Sailfish encsfa-fpd[706]: Code check in 479063
Aug 13 18:05:11 Sailfish encsfa-fpd[706]: Code check in 50937
Aug 13 18:05:12 Sailfish ofonod[712]: export_entries_one_storage_cb with ME failed
Aug 13 18:05:14 Sailfish tracker-extract[3423]: No seccomp support compiled-in.
Aug 13 18:05:14 Sailfish statefs[654]: Ofono status  "searching"
Aug 13 18:05:14 Sailfish statefs[654]: Cellular status Roaming -> Searching
Aug 13 18:05:14 Sailfish ofonod[712]: data reg changed 2 -> 0 (unregistered), attached 0
Aug 13 18:05:14 Sailfish statefs[654]: Unregistered
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish ofonod[712]: SMS History Probe for modem: 0x21acd8
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish ofonod[712]: Registered interface org.ofono.NetworkTime, path /ril_0
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish simkit[3412]: [D] unknown:0 - /ril_0 - Registering services
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish statefs[654]: Cellular_interfaces=( MessageWaiting , SimManager , SimToolkit , VoiceCallManager , ExtSimInfo , )
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish statefs[654]: Get SimToolkit properties
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish ofonod[712]: nw select automatic
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish tart[3208]: [D] unknown:0 - (dial) GetAll() failed: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject" "Method \"GetAll\" with signature \"\" on interface \"org.sailfishos.ofono.mdm.VoiceCallFilter\" doesn't exist\n"
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish tart[3208]: [D] unknown:0 - (incoming) GetAll() failed: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject" "Method \"GetAll\" with signature \"\" on interface \"org.sailfishos.ofono.mdm.VoiceCallFilter\" doesn't exist\n"
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish statefs[654]: Cellular_interfaces=( CallBarring , CallForwarding , CallSettings , CallVolume , ConnectionManager , MessageManager , MessageWaiting , NetworkRegistration , Phonebook , PushNotification , RadioSettings , SimManager , SmartMessaging , SimToolkit , SupplementaryServices , VoiceCallManager , ExtSimInfo , )
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish statefs[654]: Cellular NetworkRegistration w/o SimManager!
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish statefs[654]: Get cellular network properties
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish simkit[3412]: [D] unknown:0 - /ril_0 - QMap(("IdleModeIcon", QVariant(uchar, 0))("IdleModeText", QVariant(QString, ""))("MainMenu", QVariant(QDBusArgument, ))("MainMenuIcon", QVariant(uchar, 0))("MainMenuTitle", QVariant(QString, "")))
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish simkit[3412]: [D] unknown:0 - updating .desktop 0
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish simkit[3412]: [D] unknown:0 - /simkitagent/ril_0 - Object registered
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish statefs[654]: Setup connection manager "/ril_0"
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish statefs[654]: Ofono status  "searching"
Aug 13 18:05:15 Sailfish statefs[654]: Cellular status Offline -> Searching
Aug 13 18:05:16 Sailfish alien_bridge_server[3525]: QThread::wait: Thread tried to wait on itself
Aug 13 18:05:16 Sailfish statefs[654]: Cellular_interfaces=( CallBarring , CallForwarding , CallSettings , CallVolume , CellBroadcast , ConnectionManager , MessageManager , MessageWaiting , NetworkRegistration , Phonebook , PushNotification , RadioSettings , SimManager , SmartMessaging , SimToolkit , SupplementaryServices , VoiceCallManager , ExtSimInfo , )
Aug 13 18:05:16 Sailfish statefs[654]: Ofono status  "roaming"
Aug 13 18:05:16 Sailfish statefs[654]: Cellular status Searching -> Roaming
Aug 13 18:05:16 Sailfish statefs[654]: Registered
Aug 13 18:05:16 Sailfish ofonod[712]: Requested file structure differs from SIM: 6fb7
Aug 13 18:05:18 Sailfish ofonod[712]: export_entries_one_storage_cb with ME failed
Aug 13 18:05:18 Sailfish statefs[654]: Ofono status  "roaming"
Aug 13 18:05:18 Sailfish statefs[654]: Cellular status Searching -> Roaming
Aug 13 18:05:18 Sailfish statefs[654]: Registered
Aug 13 18:05:18 Sailfish ofonod[712]: data reg changed 0 -> 2 (searching), attached 1
Aug 13 18:05:18 Sailfish statefs[654]: Operator  QVariant(QString, "I TIM")
Aug 13 18:05:18 Sailfish statefs[654]: Setup current operator properties
Aug 13 18:05:20 Sailfish statefs[654]: Ofono status  "searching"
Aug 13 18:05:20 Sailfish statefs[654]: Cellular status Roaming -> Searching
Aug 13 18:05:20 Sailfish statefs[654]: Unregistered
Aug 13 18:05:26 Sailfish ofonod[712]: SMS History Remove for modem: 0x217e00
Aug 13 18:05:26 Sailfish simkit[3412]: [D] unknown:0 - /simkitagent/ril_1 - Release
Aug 13 18:05:26 Sailfish simkit[3412]: [D] unknown:0 - updating .desktop 0
Aug 13 18:05:26 Sailfish simkit[3412]: [D] unknown:0 - updating .desktop 0
Aug 13 18:05:26 Sailfish simkit[3412]: [D] unknown:0 - /simkitagent/ril_1 - Object unregistered
Aug 13 18:05:26 Sailfish ofonod[712]: No SIM card
Aug 13 18:05:26 Sailfish statefs[654]: Ofono: no sim
Aug 13 18:05:26 Sailfish statefs[654]: Cellular status Roaming -> Offline
Aug 13 18:05:26 Sailfish statefs[654]: Unregistered
Aug 13 18:05:26 Sailfish ofonod[712]: SIM card OK
Aug 13 18:05:26 Sailfish ofonod[712]: Requested file structure differs from SIM: 6fb7
Aug 13 18:05:26 Sailfish statefs[654]: Technology (type= "wifi" ) tethering is  ""
Aug 13 18:05:26 Sailfish tart[3208]: [D] unknown:0 - (dial) GetAll() failed: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject" "Method \"GetAll\" with signature \"\" on interface \"org.sailfishos.ofono.mdm.VoiceCallFilter\" doesn't exist\n"
Aug 13 18:05:26 Sailfish tart[3208]: [D] unknown:0 - (incoming) GetAll() failed: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject" "Method \"GetAll\" with signature \"\" on interface \"org.sailfishos.ofono.mdm.VoiceCallFilter\" doesn't exist\n"

EDIT 2019-10-03: I received an e-mail from Jolla Support telling me that they think that they have fixed the issue in 3.2.0 -- fingers crossed! I'll be going abroad again for a few days at the end of October, if the release is out by then it will be interesting to see how well it works

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I've reinstalled Android and Sailfish X several times. It never fixed the issue. What might help is to manually chose a roaming network (and stay with that network). Also chosing 'prefer 3G' in settings might help a bit. But even then, the device doesn't work 100% reliable.

molan ( 2019-09-01 09:32:56 +0200 )edit

I have also tried various combinations of the options under "Mobile Networks", but none of them ever helped. When I am abroad, once the problem starts it only ever goes away when I return home. One thing that I have never tried is to buy a local SIM, although I was on the point of doing that during my Christmas/New Year trip.

Jolla have acknowledged the diagnostics that I sent to them, hopefully they will find the solution soon.

pakman ( 2019-09-01 14:07:10 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-06-13 14:34:20 +0200

wb1000000 gravatar image

updated 2019-06-24 22:02:05 +0200

I've experienced the same issue with my Xperia XA2 Ultra Dual SIM with Once roaming in NL my DE SIM (congstar) in slot 2 started generating the "SIM card removed" message. The phone was unusable until I disabled this SIM.

What appears to have helped for me so far (2 days without the message, still roaming) is to set "Prefer 3G" instead of "Prefer 4G".

UPDATE: After crossing the border from NL back to DE, the issue started again. Changing from 3G back to 4G on my DE SIM solved it again.

However this weekend I was in the Basel area and both my NL and DE SIM suffered from this issue. The phone was basically useless for the whole weekend. Changing between 2G/3G/4G seemed to alleviate the issue sometimes for an hour or so but after that it started again. Not too happy about that :-|

Best regards,


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answered 2018-08-01 18:06:22 +0200

ddelamarre gravatar image


I tried it with no success. Maybe did I do it too late in the process. I try this workaround again. Hopefully, it will be better.

Ironically, while versions before 2.1.4 were not at all made for F5122, they worked flawlessly ...

Let us hope a fix will soon be available. I am defending Sailfish & Jolla wherever I can, but having an unreliable phone is annoying : I missed some urgent messages because of that issue.


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I confirm it does not help much.

Another post mentions that using a micro SIM , even with decreased thickness may be the cause. I started to wonder whether the fact I have been using a cut micro SIM, even if I did grind it a bit in thickness, later on replaced by a proper nano SIM could have bent contacts ...

That said, it would not explain why it started on 2.1.4 while it worked like a charm before with the nano SIM.

Maybe should I stop looking for an explanation ...

ddelamarre ( 2018-08-20 17:01:45 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2018-03-26 23:44:47 +0200

Seen: 5,301 times

Last updated: Nov 20 '19