2019-02-12 22:45:39 +0200
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Hello Sailors!
I've done a little more digging and have found a more permanent solution to this headphone problem. It looks like a particular module, module-switch-on-port-available
, is not loaded by the Pulse Audio (PA) server on start-up. This particular module enables the port switching ability inside the PA server when a headphone is attached or detached.
I'm using a Sony Xperia XA2 with SFOS So far it is working with my test headset (Plantronics Blackwire 300 DA), YMMV though.
I've enabled Developer Mode on my phone. You'll need to be root to edit some of these files. Open up the Terminal
application (or connect remotely) to perform the following:
Find which config file PA is reading on startup
[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ cat /etc/sysconfig/pulseaudio
CONFIG="-n --file=/etc/pulse/"
Switch to root, so we can edit /etc/pulse/
(Note: Password is the one set when enabling Remote Connection in the Developer Tools menu under Settings)
[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ devel-su
[root@Sailfish nemo]#
Use your editor of choice to add the following line to the end of /etc/pulse/
### module to enable sensing of headphone jack
load-module module-switch-on-port-available
Now, reboot your phone
[root@Sailfish nemo]# reboot
After the phone has rebooted, open the Terminal
app (or connect remotely) to check that the module has loaded properly.
[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ pactl list short modules | grep switch
25 module-switch-on-port-available
[nemo@Sailfish ~]$
The module-switch-on-port-available
module has been loaded (remove the grep command to see all the loaded PA modules), hopefully allowing you to use your headset jack with minimal fuss.
Hope this helps!
Hey Same here with my Xperia X, since 2.8 update. Still not working with 3.0.1. To be able to use a headset, i bought a (very cheap) DAC and by the miracle of USB OTG, it works. Almost: it works with music, but it is not known when passing calls. And doesn't ring (ring is only on the loudspeaker).
Would love to be able to use my headset when passing calls !
Chap ( 2019-01-25 16:20:56 +0200 )editSimilar problem on Sailfish X and it is reproducible. It actually started on previous Sailfish X 2 - I was thinking first the audio jack is broken. In the meanwhile I upgraded to X3 but it was still not working. Only few days ago I wanted to see something in youtube - which I usually do not use on the phone. I noticed there is no sound, which was strange. After rebooting sound was there. I checked with headphone and it worked.
Few days later I wanted to use HERE. After I finished, sound was missing again. After 2nd reboot it worked.
I will check solution by @tanakian and report/edit here if it works.
deloptes ( 2019-01-25 21:01:15 +0200 )editThis issue persists in v Oulanka
g ( 2019-03-20 21:47:15 +0200 )editI have the same problem in
xbt123ufo ( 2019-04-06 04:54:27 +0200 )editSame here,, on my XA2 when connecting on my car audio with jack stereo cable.
Luca ( 2019-09-16 17:13:18 +0200 )edit