2019-05-03 22:22:01 +0200
Not an answer as such, but for visibility. If you don't care for tinkering, stop reading now.
Otherwise, if you want to remove the entry until the next OS update, read on...
line 79 of /usr/share/jolla-email/pages/CombinedInbox.qml
MenuItem {
//: Add account menu item
//% "Add account"
text: qsTrId("jolla-email-me-add_account")
onClicked: {
is responsible for the pulley menu entry in 3.0.3.x
Either delete the entire entry or add stars & stripes and the entry will be ignored;
MenuItem {
//: Add account menu item
//% "Add account"
text: qsTrId("jolla-email-me-add_account")
onClicked: {
I would be happier to see a link in a bottom pulley menu to go to current accounts page where we can disable/sync/edit accounts, this would be handy for managing many accounts as I do (up to 27). Or perhaps, just add a link in the combo box menu of the account in the app, currently 'update' populates that same menu.
I'll go one further, as I had already been toying with the idea anyway, again, if you don't care for tinkering or are afraid of command line/terminal, then scroll on by, can substitute the unwanted entry and edit it to create a link on a lower pulley menu to go to Accounts page where we see accounts already installed/available;
PushUpMenu {
id: manageAccounts
busy: app.syncInProgress
MenuItem {
//: Manage existing accounts
//% "Manage accounts"
text: qsTrId("settings_accounts-he-page_accounts")
onClicked: {
There is probably a better way to reference the page that is pushed, but it works as it stands - I'm open to correction/better ways of entering text.
With the edited entry now applied, start the mail app and check out the new bottom pulley need to go to Settings/Accounts, we can go directly from the mail app. Perhaps not for everyone but handy for me with multiple email accounts, sometimes I need to disable an account or two (when disabling works correctly!) and also from this page, we can scroll to the bottom where we find "Add account".
I don't have this "create an account" entry in
dirksche ( 2019-04-25 21:04:46 +0200 )editSo the good thing is: it's not a conscious design decision. The bad thing is: how can I get rid of it if it's not reproducible? Which phone are you on? I'm on the Xperia x.
ossi1967 ( 2019-04-25 21:18:34 +0200 )editAlso Xperia X
dirksche ( 2019-04-25 21:55:00 +0200 )editDid you try to add an account just for testing? Maybe the entry will disappear after this action?
dirksche ( 2019-04-26 07:58:25 +0200 )editI also see this on, and while I don't use this feature very often (using New email from this menu), I understand that this is a major drawback for those who frequently use it.
I have never seen this Add account item in this menu before, and I also question its use. I always was under the impression that accounts should/can be added from the settings app.
Maus ( 2019-04-26 09:54:22 +0200 )edit