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[Help] Error when building project using nemo-qml-plugin-contacts-qt5 module

asked 2019-10-24 08:44:55 +0200

vanho gravatar image

updated 2019-10-24 08:47:39 +0200

I followed the instructions: https://habr.com/en/post/329692/ to read contacts in Sailfish Os. But when building the project , I encountered some errors.

ERROR [/usr/share/harbour-app-name/qml/pages/ContactModel.qml] Import 'org.nemomobile.contacts 1.0' is not allowed
INFO [harbour-app-name] Please see our FAQ here: https://harbour.jolla.com/faq#QML_API

ERROR [nemo-qml-plugin-contacts-qt5] Dependency not allowed
INFO [harbour--app-name] Please see our FAQ here: https://harbour.jolla.com/faq#2.6.0 how to use '__provides_exclude_from' and '__requires_exclude' .spec file to avoid that

I tried modifying the .spec file but still got the same error.

# >> macros
%define __provides_exclude_from ^%{_datadir}/.*$
# list here all the libraries your RPM installs
%define __requires_exclude ^nemo-qml-plugin-contacts-qt5.*$
# << macros

Can someone help me fix it?

Thank in advance.

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2 Answers

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answered 2019-10-24 10:05:43 +0200

coderus gravatar image

These are rpm validator errors, means produced rpm is not allowed to be published to Jolla Store. Feel free to use it for personal use or publish your app to openrepos.net

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Hi Coderus,

Thank for your info. So, do you know any libraries, modules that can read contacts pass the rpm validator?

vanho ( 2019-10-24 10:41:13 +0200 )edit

try checking https://harbour.jolla.com/faq there are whitelist and blacklist stuff

coderus ( 2019-10-24 10:59:22 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-10-24 20:47:20 +0200

zuyev gravatar image

updated 2019-10-26 20:14:52 +0200

Good day!

Remove the line from the yaml-file from Requires: - nemo-qml-plugin-contacts-qt5

In the editor in line 'import org.nemomobile.contacts 1.0' an error will be displayed QML module not found ... At the same time the application is functional and can be placed on https://harbour.jolla.com

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why? Import 'org.nemomobile.contacts 1.0' is not allowed

coderus ( 2019-10-24 21:56:53 +0200 )edit

I used the Nemo QML Plugin Calendar from the article https://habr.com/ru/post/329692/ to develop an application with a calendar. The app works. But I couldn't place it in https://harbour.jolla.com/. At placement I receive an error 'No OS version and packages satisfy package requirements: Requirements nemo-qml-plugins-calendar-qt5 not available'. Removed line from yaml file from requirements: - nemo-qml-plugin-calendar-qt5. The app still works. But now I can add it https://harbour.jolla.com/.

zuyev ( 2019-10-24 22:41:58 +0200 )edit

It all worked because nemo-qml-plugin-contacts-qt5 (nemo-qml-plugins-calendar-qt5) was pre-installed on the device. If the application is installed on the device for the first time, it does not work.

zuyev ( 2019-10-26 20:02:17 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2019-10-24 08:44:55 +0200

Seen: 333 times

Last updated: Oct 26 '19