Socar - Android app not working
I'm not sure if someone has heard of this android app - Socar. Socar is a car rental platform to rent cars and drive in Malaysia. Their android application has the same name and the latest version is available in aptoide and other android stores in Sailfish OS. I've updated my Sailfish OS(Xperia XA2 Ultra) to the latest version -
I've tried using the android app in all versions of Sailfish OS. But it is not working properly. The app is launching successfully, but when I'm not able to go beyond the login page. When I try to login using my credentials or provide any dummy credentials (that obviously don't work), nothing happens. It neither shows any error nor quits the application.
Is there any way I can debug, find logs, report somewhere to get the app working in Sailfish OS. I've contacted the App's support. They are not ready to help as the OS is not supported.
Any sort of lead will be useful for me.
Look here :
Xray2000 ( 2019-12-17 10:32:47 +0200 )editThanks @Xray2000 - will have a look at that.
jacksparrow ( 2019-12-17 10:38:44 +0200 )editIf we go through all the 2.9 million Android apps now, we'll be done in 10743.
Some apps work with Aliendalvik, others don't. It is boring to see such questions. Let Jolla work on Sailfish and not for the competition.
4carlos ( 2019-12-17 11:06:54 +0200 )edit@4carlos - the question was not for Jolla. It was asked by one of the community to members to another. I'm using my Xperia XA2 Ultra as my daily driver. So, I have no way other than installing android support for few apps i need for my day to day life. That is also the reason why Jolla themselves are still working on Android support.
jacksparrow ( 2019-12-18 08:33:26 +0200 )edit