Linkedin page does not open in SFOS browser
asked 2020-01-21 18:28:24 +0200

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Linkedin page does not work with SFOS browser on my Xperia XA2 Plus, latest release...
Is it similar to old issue with Twitter back then?
I confirm that on Jolla phone, the page is stuck at loading.
d ( 2020-01-23 12:31:48 +0200 )editForget Linkedin, even duckduckgo does not work properly on the browser!
lal ( 2020-01-23 21:23:30 +0200 )editI use FFox for.browsing - as I type, too - but if there is a link in e.g. Twitter notification or in an email default browser steps in...
Im not aeare of any options default.browser could be changed to e.g. FFox...
zlutor ( 2020-01-23 21:30:52 +0200 )edityou need to use LMAO
Nerevareeeeeeee ( 2020-01-27 08:17:59 +0200 )edit