2014-02-01 13:31:25 +0200
12361 ●75 ●78 ●92 moderator
Hi guys,
this is not a bug but it's a feature! Directly from the specs:
High priority events (notification icon shown in the lock screen) need to be sorted based on the time of occurrence. This includes: missed call, chat, sms, mms, voice mail and email. Newest is always on top of the list, moving the group of similar events with it (3 messages, 4 missed calls).
Invitations and calendar notifications are lower priority events and should always be below high priority event notifications mentioned above. They always appear in following order: invitation, calendar event, birthday notification (if all are present at the same time).
System update is also a high priority notification, but it's grouped horizontally with two low priority notifications to the top of the events view (application update and message from Jolla) These cannot be cleared with the pulley menu action "clear notifications"
Notification icon for high priority events will be shown in lock screen, but the low priority ones do not. In events view all icons are visible.
Native apps can define their notification priorities. If the priority is >= 100, it will be shown on the lock screen.
However, Android apps can't, so those will appear only on the events view.
I can also confrim this, I see the same behaviour
cquence ( 2014-02-01 10:50:34 +0200 )editCan also confirm that and it seems to affect all updated phones. Already missed some Whatsapp messages because of that (till I realized those notifications are gone).
molan ( 2014-02-01 11:39:04 +0200 )editthias not only happens to me with im-notifications, also with other Android apps. i wrote this here:
Zandi ( 2014-02-01 13:08:15 +0200 )editI don't get any notifications since the update. Have to manually refresh them from the pulley menu. And it affects both the lock screen and the notifications screen.
strongm ( 2014-02-01 13:24:23 +0200 )editWould be nice to have this fixed with a hotfix, if this is possible on SailfishOS
tobru ( 2014-02-01 13:31:12 +0200 )edit