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Does "factory reset" of a phone also reset all repositories (deleting therefore third party ones)?

asked 2020-04-30 12:41:02 +0300

Yusssufff gravatar image

Hi Sailors! A quick question about factory reset! Due to third party repositories creating sometimes issues during upgrade, and also in the case of selling a phone and 'cleaning it', my question is: -Does a factory reset of a phone wipe-delete all third party repositories (from openrepos apps)? or just disable them?

greetings and thanks!

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answered 2020-04-30 12:53:09 +0300

atlochowski gravatar image

It will delete repos. You can backup them in Storeman.

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thanks! and if you make a backup from the Jolla backup tool, that will also bring back the repos

Yusssufff ( 2020-04-30 12:57:40 +0300 )edit

Nope. scope of Jolla's backup tool is very limited

rozgwi ( 2020-04-30 20:33:13 +0300 )edit
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Asked: 2020-04-30 12:41:02 +0300

Seen: 147 times

Last updated: Apr 30 '20