[Bug]: flickering while peeking
Since update to peeking form apps like gallery to running apps and clock list is not smooth. The main app like gallery is flickering on and off before the running apps shows completely. With previous SW release peeking was smoother on the GUI.
It seems to depend on the speed of swiping, if it is done slowly it is a smooth fade, but if it is done quickly it looks wrong. For example if going back to the home screen by swiping quickly from the left or right edge the clock instantly appears at full brightness, then disappears quickly, then fades in as at should as the finger continues to move.
markcoley ( 2014-02-05 00:39:11 +0200 )editI'm not doing the swipes fast. Just a normal day-to-day thumb swipe from gallery to home screen and the flickering is clearly there. I need to do it really, really slow to not get the flickering effect and to get the fade/merge effect with a smooth transition.
mcfrisk ( 2014-02-10 11:51:33 +0200 )editI have this problem too, and it's quite random, and very annoying. It depends on speed, but sometimes it works correctly regardless of the speed.
clau ( 2014-02-14 12:10:58 +0200 )editThere seems to be an improvement in Check the video from here.. However, occasionally I could still notice the flicker, for instance at about 2:35 into the video, when peeking out of Store.
clau ( 2014-02-24 23:45:32 +0200 )editThere's still time until we get the next update, let's hope it will be completely gone by then.
related question: https://together.jolla.com/question/29311/bug-flickering-screen-by-swiping-down/
Alex ( 2014-02-25 02:11:56 +0200 )edit