Bug: Unable to add contact with name similar to existing one
Hi everyone, I'm experiencing quite an annoying bug in the contacts app: I've got two contacts with very similar names, say e.g. Martin Obermann and Martina Obermann. When I first imprted these contacts from a vcf, all data of both (i.e. both phone numbers, addresses, etc.) were joined into "Martina Obermann". When I manually delete both and try to add them one after the other, the second one will never appear in the list of contacts after saving. Trying to narrow it down, it seems that it always fails to add a contact whenever the last name is identical and the first is a substring of the second contact: I already have "Martina Obermann" in the list. Adding of "Martin Obermann", "Mart Obermann", or "Mar Obermann" fails, whereas "Martinus Obermann" works.
Tried searching this forum but didn't find a similar report. Am I the only one or is this a general bug?
Yes, I had a "somewhat similar" bug!
See my comments to @MattVogt's answer to "names of imported fb contacts don't have particles".
At the moment, due to the Google Sync bug, I've sent a vCard-file (.vcf) of the contacts I want in People, and have added links on my own. So far, so good, but I don't think these things should occur when we're out of beta (I'd prefer to "have to" manually link any double instances from the same source - that is:
phle ( 2014-02-10 09:27:49 +0300 )editdon't link the two contacts A...e B and A... B from Google, but
do link the one contact A... B from Google with the one contact A... B from Facebook
(but of course not the contact A...e B from Google with the contact A... B from Facebook);
if I have two A...e B in Google, and two A...e B in Facebook (exact matches), don't link any of them).
(To use a Facebook phrase: "It's complicated." ... )
Based on Larswad's answer, it's not only a case where "first is a substring of the second contact", but it goes both ways. i.e. doesn't matter if you have martina or martin (same surname) first. Martinus just works because Martina is not a substring of it.
I think this is not very rare bug since at least finland has many very popular surnames and also very much first names which are different sex and substrings of one or other (makes this a common bug when adding couples). Voting up.
matrixx ( 2014-04-02 16:40:22 +0300 )editGood analysis matrixx. There's one little additional thing I noticed: One of my contacts it constantly links to itself (it seems as though it thinks it is a google or "internet" contact or something because it has a globe symbol on it). If I go in there it has several instances of itself linked. If I try to unlink them, they will sooner or later reappar. One thing about the remourse control there: If I click several instances at the same time it will stop the other when the first times out.
Larswad ( 2014-04-04 15:26:33 +0300 )edit