Wiki: Location of (path to) configuration etc. files – Sailfish
asked 2014-03-08 14:39:15 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
This wiki shall serve as a reference where to find configurations, ini, system sounds, log etc. files of Sailfish OS including Alien Dalvik.
This question should only direct to the corresponding information, which may be answers here to this questions or other questions and their answers. Generally, this list should link to questions and not double the information, because the original questions and answers may provide additional background information. However, if the path/file is mentioned in a comment only, add a corresponding answer here (comments cannot be linked directly, because their static URL cannot easily be worked out).
In order that this question is kept neatly and clear, for app configuration files I suggest opening another question (one per app), if there should be a need for this.
Config files
- System sound files
- Notification LED pattern specifications: Answer HowTo: Personalize LED combinations
- Virtual keyboard files: Question HowTo adapt Sailfish virtual keyboard layout
- Terminal/FingerTerm ini files: FingerTerm initialization file overwritten
- System colors: Answer Manually tweak Ambience colors