Wiki: Battery. Random reboots & shutdowns. Cause (impedance problem) and solution
asked 2014-04-02 20:39:05 +0200

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There seems to be a problem with random shutdowns and reboots and especially in areas with poor reception.
Here's the remedy:
Put some paper or whatever (I used used cleaning cloths wrapping (aluminium inside) to mend it) between the BOTTOM of your battery and your Jolla. This is a very tight space, so don't break your Jolla when squeezing your battery back. This makes the contact tighter between your battery and your Jolla, hence making the impedance lower and your phone more stable.
Look forward for the absolutely immense battery life... and the solid life you get with your device! The amount of 'paper' should at least 0,5mm, I had something about 1,5mm
Slimex ( 2014-04-02 21:09:50 +0200 )editMy battery sits pretty tight. After I had 11 days of uptime, then suddenly random reboots again. I pulled out battery for 10 minutes as advised by @Stskeeps and added piece of paper - so far 2 days uptime and one "soft reset" - green blinking LED and all applications closed on event screen. Still to early to really judge if it works. And which of the fixes is doing the job :)
zlatko ( 2014-04-03 13:44:53 +0200 )editThe same behavior as @zlatko for me. I pulled the battery out for 10min and restarted. I try not to use the piece of paper as the battery is tight and it is probably not the problem of the shutdown otherwise it would have appeared before. I had the same kind of behaviour before the last update for 10 days. I'll keep you posted.
damourti ( 2014-04-04 15:14:23 +0200 )editWell, some reboots finally, often when using Wifi.
damourti ( 2014-04-11 01:02:58 +0200 )editNo reboots and shutdowns for me since 1st of April after pulling out battery for 10 minutes and adding a piece of paper.
zlatko ( 2014-04-13 15:56:15 +0200 )edit