Jolla for (real) sailors
As I like to sail, - literally on a sailing boat, - I would like to use my Jolla outdoors on my sailing turns. Unfortunately the Jolla, - yet, - does not offer a good usability for that.
Daylight screen
Using the phone outdoors on a moving boat is very difficult, the text of e.g. xmpp messages unreadable, due to grey text on black background. On the sea there is not only light from above, but the reflecting sunlight on the water as well, which makes it impossible to use the device. (Maybe there could be a style-sheet or design for high contrast in daylight to be made, which could be enabled in settings...)
The "Sailing Compass" application shows a windrose not indicating the current heading (e.g. 270 degrees in accurate numbers) at all. - The app is unusable for sailing therefore. (Use "orienteering Compass", as in the answer of user vattuvarg below.)
I did not find an app for the Jolla to show information on speed, heading, length of journey.
The currently available weather app does not include info for sailors, such as wind, wind-direction and rain radar. e.g. Meteoradar, Wetterstation or Windfinder
The yet unsupported Maep app (also this link)is a good app to keep track on the sailing route, but unfortunately provides no further info, like speed in knots, heading in number, length of track etc.
See example
"Daylight screen": See (with several links to other question covering that topic already – vote/discuss there) including the answer by Aard.
jgr ( 2014-05-12 01:49:30 +0200 )edit