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UI bugs: Call log selection bar overlapping

asked 2014-05-15 18:57:41 +0200

J4ZZ gravatar image

updated 2014-05-15 18:59:01 +0200

Hi there, I finally managed to make a proper screenshot hoping that this can be fixed easily. I'm having issues with the 'phone' app. When trying to highlight a contact I often get the wrong contact selected because of the selection bar not being aligned properly. It's only accurate when clicking on the time/date on the right instead of the actual caller name.

Does anyone else having this issue and/or knows how to fix it?

Here's a screenshot!

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I have this too.

00prometheus ( 2014-05-16 01:20:34 +0200 )edit

did you add any patch to show the number below the name? (I see only the name of the contact; no number). It appears the selection bar is just vertically aligned with contact name as the center reference

User ( 2014-05-16 10:07:47 +0200 )edit

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answered 2014-05-16 15:54:18 +0200

J4ZZ gravatar image

@Anz Thanks for the hint. You were right. The "Better Call-Log" patch seems to be the culprit. After removing it everything is back in line again. (but like you mentioned no more phone numbers anymore)

So, I'll mark this as answered since it's not a Jolla UI bug per se.


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Asked: 2014-05-15 18:57:41 +0200

Seen: 128 times

Last updated: May 16 '14