How to update contacts from people application?
Is there a way to update the list of contacts in people application?
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Is there a way to update the list of contacts in people application?
I also would like to know how to update my facebook contacts (and their pictures etc.).
It seems to me that this is impossible until there won't be an integratet facebook client.
(sorry for this non-answer but i want to push this question)
I loooked around a little bit and fiund this video where jolla shows an integratet fb client: So why was this removed! :(
Also Jolla answered here some questions regarding facebook integration problems:
This thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2013-12-28 02:20:12 +0200
Seen: 330 times
Last updated: Feb 03 '14
Can I import my contacts from N9? [answered]
[Fixed in] Crash when linking contacts? [not relevant]
Bug: E-Mail synchronization does not work as configured [released]
Bug: Google account logout notifications keep re-appearing
Add file name description when importing contacts [answered]
People edit Google Contacts [answered]
Bug: People app doesn't show name of favourite people who have an avatar
Bug: starting an XMPP chat from People app does not work
What I actually mean is.. I have accidentally or somehow deleted a contact from the people list and I'd like to get it back from the facebook contacts.
zenzen ( 2013-12-28 03:01:10 +0200 )editDo you have SYNC ON in your facebook account?
simo ( 2013-12-28 06:44:57 +0200 )editYes I do have. Under sync history it says: no syncs done yet, and i'm not able to sync manually, or am I?
zenzen ( 2013-12-28 11:40:15 +0200 )editWe haven't yet implemented the sync UI for service accounts. For now, you can retrigger synchronisation with Facebook by opening up the Facebook account settings page, and saving (accept-swipe) the account (no changes are required). That will trigger sync.
chris.adams ( 2014-02-06 07:42:22 +0200 )edit@chris.adams Retriggering the Facebook synchronisation is not working for me even if I let the connection open for several hours...
Alex ( 2014-02-13 18:58:16 +0200 )edit