Disarrangement with contacts in Android Messaging Apps []
first thanks for some bugfixes (like this: https://together.jolla.com/question/39242/bug-predictive-input-1st-letter-doubling-in-android-applications/) and for adding new features/functionalities to the Android VM (like the possibility to view the contacts). But now there seems to be a new bug in WhatsApp:
What I first realised is that the contacts partially have wrong names and I only can identify them by the pictures. So I went on contacts (in WA) and realised that many contacts are not even on the list and some of them had wrong numbers saved (looks like some contacts were matched/linked) - totally different than the original conacts in my native "Contacts" App. So it seems that something went wrong with the syncronisation between the contacts on my Jolla and WhatsApp.
I hoped the latest WhatsApp update (2.11.254) would help, so i installed it, but it didn't.
Do we need to wait for the next update for fixing this issue?
EDIT: This really need to be fixed!! What about you guys... Hello Sailors!?
EDIT2: Nothing new about this issue?
I don't use whatsApp but threema, but there is also a similar issue regarding the contacts after upgrading to Contact pictures are no longer displayed and some contacts have lost their identification status -> meaning: threema knows that I have those ID in my threema-contact list, but somehow can't find similarities between them and my native contact list in the jolla-phone. It displays them just due to manual assignments, I suppose. From your description it looks like we have the same problem: Access to the contacts app is somehow partially interrupted at least for android messaging apps. Maybe you can change the question also to a more general one?
I've also made my comment here: https://together.jolla.com/question/5647/android-application-can-not-access-contacts/ So far rebooting and re-setting contact pictures e.g. doesn't help. Haven't tried re-installing the apps yet...
majuss ( 2014-06-10 17:15:43 +0200 )editNow it is more general :)
torcida ( 2014-06-10 17:22:58 +0200 )edit@torcida: The problem here could be one of two different issues - either the data is incorrectly exported from Sailfish to third-party consumers, or else the data is incorrectly provided from there to Android apps.
Could you please establish which of these is the problem? To do this, select a contact whose details are shown incorrectly in Android apps. Suppose this contact is named "John". Then you can see the details of this contact by doing the following:
[ In a shell launched with "devel-su -p", do: ]
$ groups
[ The list should contain 'privileged' ]
$ contacts-tool search John
[ This will give a list of contact ID numbers - find the one that matches your contact,then: ]
$ contacts-tool details your-ID
[ This should show the details of your contact for Sailfish apps. ]
[ Then exit from the devel-su shell: ]
$ exit
[ Test groups again to verify that you are no longer privileged: ]
$ groups
[ The resukt should not contain 'privileged' this time. ]
[ Now repeat the search and details commands - now that you are not in the devel-su shell, you will be accessing the third-party contacts database, and the ID will be different. ]
If the details shown in the second operation are wrong, the problem is with the export of contact data. Alternatively, if these details appear correct, then the problem must be with Android apps only.
MattVogt ( 2014-06-12 00:58:46 +0200 )editI haven't activated the developer mode... And I want the problem to be solved without it - for all with this issue.
torcida ( 2014-06-16 00:16:18 +0200 )edit@MattVogt: Those details you mention, do only contain information like ID, phone numbers etc, I suppose? What about verifying access to contact pictures?
majuss ( 2014-06-16 11:06:14 +0200 )edit