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How can Jolla Customize the Phone for your Region?

asked 2014-10-08 03:30:59 +0200

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updated 2014-10-19 22:58:45 +0200

sifartech gravatar image

Every country, every culture use their phones differently. Please describe how mobile phones are used in your country to help Jolla go global.

(This is a wiki - If someone has added your country, just add your ideas under it. If your country is not listed, add a subtitle with your country name and list the features under it. If you believe someone's opinion is wrong, don't delete it - just add your opinion under it while stating that your observation / experience is different. Jolla should be able to find out which opinion is factual and true.).


  1. It is very cheap and easy to get a new mobile connection here. So most indians have more than one connection, and often as many phone. Thus, dual-SIM, and even triple SIM phones are popular here.

  2. GSM networks lead in India. CDMA comes a distant second.

  3. Most indians use a pre-paid mobile connection.
  4. Phones have become a fashion statement of sorts, and those who can afford it, change their phones every year or two.

  5. The young are comfortable buying their phones online, but the older generation still highly prefer to go to a retail store to buy their phone.

  6. Most indians don't have any idea about the privacy invasive business model of internet companies and so Google, Facebook, Whatsapp etc. are very popular here. Google and Facebook rule among the online services in India.

  7. SMS (or texting) is very popular here, but is being increasingly replaced by messenger apps (and Whatsapp is currently the most popular among them).

  8. Most indians are still poor. To save money, "missed calls" are often used to indicate that the other person should call back.

  9. Smartphone's are fast replacing camera here, and no one hesitates to whip out their phones and take snaps during any social gathering or function. Thus, many indians do care about the camera in the phone while buying a smartphone.

  10. Indians are not familiar, and comfortable, with sending off their phones for repair to distant service centers. They want a service centre in their city. And the more the number of service center, the more they have confidence in the brand. (One of the reasons that Xiaomi was able to sell more phones than Jolla is because of this).

  11. Bluetooth is a popular feature and it is used often, mostly to transfer photos & videos between mobiles.

  12. FM radio in phones is also very popular.
  13. Nokia is still a very respected brand in India and still among the top 5 in India. But only because of the 'dumb' phones or the feature phones it offers, and not because of its windows based smartphones (the lumia series). Samsung phones also sell a lot.

  14. Those with financial constraints often own and share one phone among family members.

  15. Mapping apps are very popular here too, but turn by turn voice navigation isn't used much. One of the passengers often just acts as the navigator.

  16. Indians don't buy phones from carrier, tied with long term plans, on credit / loan. They pay cash and buy it.

  17. "Mobile Number Portability" ensures that we can easily switch providers / carriers without needing to change our phone numbers too. This also allows a user to jump from CDMA to GSM or vice versa.

  18. Majority of Indians use "pre-paid" connections, and "recharge" their account with credit as needed.

[Add Your Country Here]

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Indian Languages should be supported as a lot of traffic gets generated in the local languages.

People are more social and end up sharing their data without any reason of privacy

dillihifi ( 2014-10-08 04:10:35 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2014-10-20 01:52:00 +0200

gupo gravatar image

I just signed up so I don't have enough karma to edit this page.

I wanted to write something about France : as in some other countries, the law requires the firms to sell mobile phones with a hands-free kit. There was none in my Jolla box !

Greetings to the wonderful Jolla team, keep going on !

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And that is an awful policy. Someone likes the in-ear phones, and someone dont. :/

cryorat ( 2014-10-20 09:08:36 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-10-20 13:17:30 +0200

Malebo gravatar image

I agree especially for point n. 1 which involves African countries. You can add another point support for mico usb card from 120 GB to the memory expansion for photos, movies and music. Thank you!

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Asked: 2014-10-08 03:30:59 +0200

Seen: 429 times

Last updated: Oct 20 '14