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Internet always disabled, options greyed out.

asked 2014-10-14 12:21:14 +0200

Fozz gravatar image

updated 2014-10-14 16:38:23 +0200

Spam Hunter gravatar image

Hi, I have no mobile internet and in 'settings> system> mobile network', 'mobile internet' is always greyed out and disabled on my device. (Tahkalaampi This is getting pretty annoying.

A similar problem is described below, but the thread does not provide a solution. Long-press does not activate options, reboot does nothing.


My provider is Telia Denmark.

Pls hlp

Best regards, Andreas

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I saw this tread as well, but as explained I am unable to edit the settings: https://together.jolla.com/question/35430/mobile-data-with-danish-telia-does-not-work/

Fozz ( 2014-10-14 12:23:06 +0200 )edit

Hi Fozz, I won't pretend to know how to fix your problem, but there are more options to try according to posts on this page.

https://together.jolla.com/question/46865/bug-phone-disables-mobile-network/ (particularly the post near the bottom of the page from 'SaimenSays').


Spam Hunter ( 2014-10-14 16:35:39 +0200 )edit

Hi, thanks for replying.

I tried both flight mode and prefered 3G. No effect.

I am able to make calls, send SMS and use WiFi with no problem.

Fozz ( 2014-10-14 16:51:28 +0200 )edit

Do you have, on that same tab

settings> system> mobile network

configured network provider accordingly? There would be this option "choose network automatically" and you would have the choice, what network to connect to...

ausgeregelt ( 2014-10-17 09:40:37 +0200 )edit

4 Answers

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answered 2014-10-15 23:44:36 +0200

midnightoil gravatar image

Welcome to Jolla / Sailfish notworking.

This has been an ongoing problem for most people. Usually the method you describe 'fixes' it, or removing the battery.

However, in my case, under 1.07 my phone suffered a terminal loss of mobile data (and even worse wifi than usual) ... I could only resume using mobile data with 1.08.

The only thing I can think of which might solve it for you save something far more technical, or 1.09 finally being released, is that it could be a SIM card issue. The SIM card holder in the Jolla has a very poor fit. I never remove or move my SIM card, but the Jolla has eaten 2 SIM cards so far (on my third) ... they've suffered damage whilst in the holder. Only reason I knew this was why I'd lost all connectivity / data twice, was because the phone helpfully told me that SIM card had been removed and do I want to restart now. Others have mentioned very poor SIM fit in their Jolla too, and the only other Jolla owner I've met said he'd had exactly the same issue as me, requiring SIM replacement. So, it's probably a good idea to get a new SIM from your network provider ... the Jolla may have damaged it.

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If your phone damaged your SIM card it's probably also a good idea to get the SIM card holder replaced. I haven't heard of this problem before.

nthn ( 2014-10-16 02:40:22 +0200 )edit

If Jolla establish a contract with a servicing agency in the UK, I surely will. Otherwise, sending it back to Finland would probably end my use of the Jolla and Sailfish, until such time as a good port is available for the Nexus 4 or Sony Z3 Compact and Android support is available in the store. Same with the appalling battery fit issues ... it's possible that hardware revisions or QC means that recently manufactured Jollas don't have this issue, and I might get a replacement (though anecdotal evidence on the forum suggests otherwise).

midnightoil ( 2014-10-16 03:15:39 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-10-17 19:52:49 +0200

gupo gravatar image

Hi everyone. Same issue as Fozz here in France. I just got my brand new Jolla phone and have no data over 2G, 3G or 4G, with "Virgin Mobile" carrier (=MVNO). I tried the flight mode trick, "prefer 2G" and "prefer 3G", stopping and restarting ofono, rebooting, reinserting SIM card, getting an automated config SMS from the carrier : nothing works. Pleaaaase help...

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2G and 3G data work with a factory reset. But as soon as I update to, mobile data logo is greyed out in settings, and the usual word "internet" in "mobile network" settings doesn't even appear, not even greyed out. I'm unable to long press on it to configure the access point.

gupo ( 2014-10-18 14:20:11 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-01-30 18:07:13 +0200

m0ndra gravatar image

Got that problem too (Germany, vodafone)! The funny thing is, the mobile network icon on my device is not always disabled. It appears to me that is happens completely occasionally, I have no idea when it decides to be disabled. Sometimes it's like that when I'm at home, sometimes it works just fine. All I have to do to make it work again is to switch the flight mode on and off --> it immediately works afterwards. I changed my provider in November 2014, the problems appeared after that but I'm not sure if this is a problem related to the new provider or to some SailfishOS issues?

Well, I'm able to fix my problem by using flight mode but after some time it's really annoying.

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Even in my case switching on / off flight mode helps. Annoying workaround though.

anandrkris ( 2015-02-03 13:08:09 +0200 )edit

The same behaviour with Switching flightmode on - off still helps.

silta ( 2015-06-15 13:25:32 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-03-26 04:32:58 +0200

vickydrv gravatar image

Even i had this problem.Tried all the above mentioned things but didn't work out.But when i checked 'Data Roaming' to 'Always Allow' mobile data automatically connected.

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Asked: 2014-10-14 12:21:14 +0200

Seen: 2,922 times

Last updated: Mar 26 '15