Failed synchronizations keep accumulating in Transfers [answered]
A stream of failed attempts to synchronize something (apparently email) keeps accumulating in my downloads/transfers listing. I did once set up an email account with wrong settings but I deleted it. Could it still be attempting to sync it or is this something else, perhaps? It keeps retrying every few minutes and I guess it's a reasonable assumption that this doesn't do good to battery life. All email accounts listed in Email application sync just fine.
Anybody know how to stop this?
yes, i would like prefer 1 message per service with n error mailbox1 10, and select it for more informations with all events associated. mailbox2 3 times errors, message error (duplicate erro) single line !etc.. sms sending failed 5 times
redge73 ( 2013-12-30 03:56:58 +0200 )edit