Suggestion: Jolla Store
We need an easy accessible to apps store that specifically made and optimize for Jolla device and community, geeks and non-technical users alike. It can be more interesting and powerful than AppStore and Play store in many ways for developers. What do you think?
The problem isn't with the Jolla's App Store, it's with the very restricted features / APIs that are currently allowed and the lack of paid apps. Update 10 will partially address the former (we think) ... but no update since an "H2 '14" mention for paid apps in April. I hope and think they must be aiming to launch paid apps before MWC in February ... that would seem like a pretty important deadline to meet. We can talk about the store itself once it's more open, and developers can be paid for their work.
midnightoil ( 2014-12-01 05:37:11 +0200 )editJolla is failing since 1 year (start of delivery of first phones) to launch an App Store for paid apps - guess that's one of the reasons for the poor availability of SailfosOS apps ... no sign there's a store coming soon, there were rumours of such a store to come before year end but today is Dec. 1st and there are no signs of a paid apps store ....
Manankanchu ( 2014-12-01 13:12:08 +0200 )edit