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Jolla randomly shuts down

asked 2013-12-30 22:04:14 +0200

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updated 2015-05-20 01:45:14 +0200

Neo gravatar image

Numerous users have an issue with the phone rebooting by itself. User testing has revealed that it most likely has something to do with the battery. If this is happening to you, there are two ways you can probably solve the problem. You can either:

  • take out the phone battery, and rub all contact areas on the battery and the phone with a regular eraser, then just put the battery back in.
  • take a small piece of paper and put it between the bottom of the battery and the phone, so it makes better contact.
  • put a bit of paper between the battery and the phone body (as seen here)

If neither of these solutions helps at all, please mention this and edit this post to include that information.

It would be nice to read an official statement on the issue, if this is something related to the manufacturing process or something else.

edit 06.04.2015 (MacManus): i noticed that my jolla reboots on weak network connections (can't reproduce in wlan). If i'm in an area with weak network, my jolla constantly reboots. If i didn't activate my sim, the phone didn't reboot. As soon as i activate sim and get mobile network connection, the jolla reboots.

Edit 20.05.2015: Anyone with this problem please see this answer, it seems that they finally have a clue about how to fix this issue.

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I'm experiencing this same problem starting today. I haven't installed any new updates / apps since the last SW update 2 days ago. Sometimes after the shut down the phone refuses to turn back on. Trying different things with the phone now to track the problem down.

EDIT: After the shut down happens, the phone turns back on on first try if I plug in the charger.

fAzu ( 2013-12-30 22:13:32 +0200 )edit

I have my Jolla phone turned on for 24/7 and it's also updated to this recent firmware and haven't ever seen such unintentional shut downs. None. Nothing even close to that. So definitely can't confirm this. There is a change you may have problems with hardware.

Simakuutio ( 2013-12-30 22:14:29 +0200 )edit

I've had 2 reboots so far, but both were before update and while I was not actively using the device. I can't really say anything else about the cases, but I think I had nothing special running, just WiFi/3G and Settings or something. What apps and networks are you using when this happens?

Julle ( 2013-12-30 22:16:30 +0200 )edit
  1. Did you try hard reset for solve some issue ?
    1. if yes, try to run CSD tool on your phone for discover any abnormal hardware malfunctionality before return your product for hardware repair
    2. pully down, select phone, input code (i can't show the code) and follow instructions and we wait feedback you can find the code here http://jollafr.org/un-utilitaire-secret-pour-tester-toutes-les-fonctionnalites-de-votre-jolla/
redge73 ( 2013-12-30 23:03:06 +0200 )edit

Ok, so after removing my battery for a longer period (roughly 10 minutes) the problem vanished. Seems like a software glitch. I cannot recreate this behavior for now, but I'll monitor my workflow in case the problem reappears.

fAzu ( 2013-12-31 10:18:51 +0200 )edit

75 Answers

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answered 2014-02-05 22:19:30 +0200

pellen gravatar image

updated 2014-02-05 22:21:17 +0200

I had no problems at all with shutdowns before yesterday. This coincides with my update to, but also at almost the exact same time I finally got around to configure my phone to use mobile internet (and MMS). Since I did that (whichever was the cause) I have had the phone instantly reboot (jolla-logo appears, after a few minutes phone is back up and asks for pin) when:

  • pasting text into sms
  • copying text from sms (twice)
  • starting media player
  • switching to next page in fbreader (android app)
  • searching for something in amazon store (android app)

These were all in the last about 24 hours, and I might have forgotten some. Each time it has been at the instant I have tapped something on the screen to perform some operation, so not 100 % random. Also I'm not sure it is the exact same thing as others in this thread report because the phone seems to more reboot than shutdown. Sometimes it reboots several times before finally being fully alive and presenting the pin screen.

I will try to remove the mobile internet config and see if that fixes it. I have not had it enabled anyway, but perhaps just having it configured makes a difference somehow.

As I was typing this the phone had just had a reboot, but instead of coming on again the jolla logo is blinking, looking like it tries to reboot over and over again, and the phone is going warm. Even trying to hold the power button pressed a long time doesn't make it stop, it just reboots repeatedly. Guess it is time to remove the battery.

EDIT: Probably just a coincidence, but could be a clue in theory I guess, the exact same moment I removed the Other Half to remove the battery the pin screen appeared and the rebooting stopped.

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I had exactly the same issue, random rebooting, except that in my case the phone was always idle and the display was off when it happened. Usually at night. And last night the rebooting got stuck in the loop. Removing battery doesn't help, when I put it back I don't even have to press the power button, it starts looping the boot again immediately after inserting battery.

tajunta ( 2014-02-06 16:53:18 +0200 )edit

Never had an infinite boot-loop like mentioned by some others. Twice it has got stuck rebooting, but only until I started removing the other half. Very unscientifically my theories so far are: 1. happens a lot more when there is bad network connection; 2. happens a lot more (or only?) when the other half is connected. Not sure if that means there are really two separate causes, or if they are connected somehow.

pellen ( 2014-02-07 14:13:54 +0200 )edit

I have the same problem. Reboot loop until I remove The Other Half. I suspect the problem it's related with NFC driver/device.

jsfdez ( 2014-02-26 19:11:50 +0200 )edit

I'll disable tohd and see if it still happens...

STiAT ( 2014-04-14 16:33:43 +0200 )edit

I already wrote to care. It's not tohd. It's definitely the 2g/3g connection switch the phone does not survive. I can test that perfectly in my flat by calling somebody walking between the living room and kitchen (where it switches from 3g to 2g).

STiAT ( 2014-04-25 20:11:50 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-03-30 00:14:04 +0200

molan gravatar image

updated 2014-03-30 00:27:02 +0200

I wrote this to Jolla care, but thought of posting it here as well:

Today I just had a good example of my Jolla's problems:

Due to my phone randomly turning off, I removed battery from device during the hole night and put it back in (and turned phone on) around 7:30am.

07:30am - 01:00pm: Phone is being used and runs fine on 3G & 2G network without shutdowns or reboots

01:00 - 02:00pm: phone charging from around ??% to 100% with actvated WLAN network

02:00 - 06:30pm: medium to heavy usage of phone (still on WLAN), battery goes down to 64%

06:30pm: Leaving my place and WLAN network - automatic switch from WLAN to mobile network (3G)

06:45pm: -First usage of phone on mobile network. As soon as I open an Android app which needs internet: Phone turns off before app opens

-Immediate, manual reboot of phone. Battery all the sudden dropped from 63% to 4% (!!)

-Phone connects to mobile network, I open Jolla browser and phone shuts off again (it was only running for like 20seconds!)

-Same happens again during 3rd try - still 4% battery

-Taking out battery for about 10min

07:00pm: Phone doesn't crash anymore on mobile network for a while - still 4% battery

07:40pm: Phone turns off again as soon as I unlock it and open maps application - after manual reboot still a battery level of 4% is shown. I finally turn off mobile network and phone doesn't shut off anymore for a couple minutes

08:00pm: Despite mobile network being offline phone shuts down again BUT reboots by itself this time. Battery is all the sudden back at 62% (from 4%!)

Afterwards I leave mobile network off the hole time (so no internet connection despite available 3G network) and now at 11.00pm I'm back on WLAN. Battery level decreases normaly.

Similar sequence, with different intensity, happens every day whenever I use the Jolla device.

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hi, I experience the very same behaviour then you, battery level drops and shutdowns with internet use.

damourti ( 2014-08-25 12:46:11 +0200 )edit

@damourti: Could you ever solve the problem? A piece of paper (or similar) solved the problem for me. When I sent in my device for repair (broken speaker) Jolla put a plastic sticker in the battery case to push the battery to the connectors.

molan ( 2014-09-24 16:39:51 +0200 )edit

@caprico : not really, the only thing that seems to be working for me is to keep the battery level above 20-25%. I don't believe in the bad connection stuff, it is a consequence but not the root problem for sure.(Which is for me linked to connecion issues and endless loops in the programm or similar)

damourti ( 2014-09-24 18:14:52 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-03-31 12:59:54 +0200

molan gravatar image

Jolla care answered to my request (thanks guys!) and wrote following:

"Take a piece of paper, fold it so that it becomes 0.5-1 millimeters thick. Then insert this folded paper between the bottom part of the battery and the phone body. The idea is to press the battery tightly upwards against the battery contacts of the phone body (see the attached picture).

We have measured that if the contact of the battery to the phone body is loose (although it does not seem to be loose), then the impedance over this connection is higher and can cause a voltage drop in some current peak situations, making the phone eventually turn off as the voltage drops momentarily under the allowed minimum level. Then use your phone normally (with mobile data) in those same conditions where your phone usually reboots. Observe if the reboots continue or not. Thanks a lot!"

I haven't had any reboots or battery level drops since I added that piece of paper - but it only has been a couple hours so far. The next days will show if this is a solution to those battery problems. Please try the same and share your experiences with a comment below this answers. Good luck :-)

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I guess you should have made a comment to this answer https://together.jolla.com/question/7144/jolla-randomly-shuts-down/#post-id-36965 as it was posted first and it seems that @vicsjo was the one Jolla care got the idea from. We should not vote for the same in two different answers.

Neo ( 2014-03-31 14:13:43 +0200 )edit

It looks like Jolla is admitting this crash is caused by a hardware design problem.

The battery connection is essentially two rounded pins against a hard flat surface, with not much surface area in contact with the battery (not just a connection force issue).

To perform electrically (reduce impedance) future hardware revisions should use larger, more-protruding 'flat' connectors with the battery.

They also had an issue with the SIM card slot causing issues, so not surprising.

caa ( 2014-04-27 11:15:27 +0200 )edit

i am now seeing errors popping up at the top of the screen every now and then about device temperature being too high. impossible. it is 26 degrees celcius (maybe 27) and the device is cool to the touch. device then proceeds to shutdown.


droll ( 2014-05-22 04:44:16 +0200 )edit

I was just seeing some messages about BATT_TEMP being too high in the dmesg. Sorry for being vague, but the phone rebooted before I was able to write it down.

In dmesg, there was several messages showing BATT_TEMP being over 790, and device shutting down. But in less than 0.1 secs, there was a line showing the BATT_TEMP being 450 or so, so it didn't shut down after all. I don't know if this is related. I tried to monitor the /sys/class/power_source/battery/temp, but it was showing values of less than 500 all the time.

I wish there was a "proc/last_kmesg" or similar, to see the dmesg after reboot.

In bad network conditions, while switching between 2g and 3g frequently, the phone was impossible to use at all, it was shutting down all the time (I was abroad, roaming in really bad network conditions). Whether this is linked to battery temperature readings, I don't know.

Jukka L ( 2014-06-25 23:47:32 +0200 )edit

I have this problem and i think that cause of it is unreliable battery charge indication, because charge shows about 50% but still booting goes away only connecting phone to charger, but after i read these comments it seems to be more complex. I hope that reason to this found some times.

ame ( 2014-07-01 23:30:44 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-02-05 14:56:19 +0200

ssave gravatar image

My Jolla started to randomly shut down whit latest update. ( it qute anoying. first shutdown was whit 45% batery and it did that several times. Now when fully charged it have been staying on. Can it be that phone will not show correct batery level?

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Unlikely. From what I have experienced/heard the shutdowns occurred at times when the battery should have had more than enough juice left to last for many more hours if not days.

martti ( 2014-02-05 19:56:06 +0200 )edit

My shutdowns are also happening at around 40-65% battery. Also when they start happening, they happen all the time, like booting up the phone after crash and starting any app -> new crash. Plugging the phone in the charger fixes the problem instantly.

joona ( 2014-02-10 10:25:00 +0200 )edit

I have noticed (and might be wrong about it) that when charged on USB and PC (in the office) will not shut down or restart. When charged from plug on the wall (Weekends) it will be more probable.

okourkoulos ( 2014-07-14 12:04:06 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-07-12 17:05:19 +0200

ruga gravatar image

Update 07-07-2014: Still on, and still frequent shutdowns. To me it looks like this only happens with low battery (under 50%). This has to be solved asap!

Perfectly agree on that. VERY annoying

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answered 2014-12-30 12:55:14 +0200

Jukka L gravatar image

updated 2014-12-30 12:58:32 +0200

For me the phone regularly died because of battery temperature readings. This is what I am getting in the logs:

Dec 29 12:32:36 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 688 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 12:32:36 Jolla kernel: [BAT]get_prop_batt_temp, Temp = 688
Dec 29 12:32:36 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 688 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 12:32:36 Jolla kernel: [BAT]## SOC= 61( 61, 61),3446(3612),A=0918,T=688,On=0,0,(0),Unknown 000(100),vd=4250(0,1),ib=1000,0,F03,R01,W00
Dec 29 12:32:36 Jolla kernel: [BAT] Internal R 1322 mOhm, I1:699240uA I2:918304uA V1:3649704uV V2:3360000uV
Dec 29 12:32:36 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 760 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 12:32:36 Jolla kernel: [TSL277X_P][Before] raw=113, status=0, far=500, near=847
Dec 29 12:32:36 Jolla kernel: [TSL277X_P][After] far=363, near=847, from=112, to=847
Dec 29 12:32:36 Jolla kernel: [BAT]get_prop_batt_temp, Temp = 587

The same issue is described also here:

I tried all the tricks, and none of them helped (also got the battery replaced in the service).

Now maybe I have found the cure: Instead of trying to lift the battery upwards (the connection seems tight and ok after the service), I placed two strips of business card between the battery and the phone body. Now the battery is not directly touching the phone body any more. I haven't seen a single temperature error since then (for 24 hours) and also no crashes/reboots.

I am not sure why this works but it now looks really promising. I did this business card trick yesterday (29.12 at 13.30) and this is the the log since then, no weird temperature errors since that, and no crashes. Maybe I just insulated the temperature sensor from the battery, and now it is heating up too much, but I just don't care, I'll rather let it burn than suffer from the crashes 5 times/day.

[root@Jolla nemo]# journalctl |grep BATT
...cut here...
Dec 29 12:32:36 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 688 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 12:32:36 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 688 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 12:32:36 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 760 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 12:33:56 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 682 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 12:55:53 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 742 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 12:56:12 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 688 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 12:56:15 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 718 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 13:20:12 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 720 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 13:20:12 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 790 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 13:20:12 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 700 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 13:20:12 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 790 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 13:20:12 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 702 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 13:20:12 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 752 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 13:20:13 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 760 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 13:20:13 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 790 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 13:20:13 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 767 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 13:20:13 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 745 > 68degC, device will be shutdown
Dec 29 13:27:39 Jolla kernel: get_prop_batt_temp: BATT_TEMP= 692 > 68degC, device will be shutdown

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Yep, did this months ago. No problems with sudden shutdowns since then...

Moth ( 2014-12-30 13:06:16 +0200 )edit

Yes, it is just that the "official" trick is stated like this: "take out the phone battery, and rub all contact areas on the battery and the phone with a regular eraser, then just put the battery back in.
take a small piece of paper and put it between the bottom of the battery and the phone, so it makes better contact."

So for me it seems that putting a piece of paper between the bottom of the battery and the body doesn't do anything. The piece of paper needs to be completely underneath the battery, lifting it so that the large flat surface of the battery doesn't touch the phone body. The problem for me has nothing to do with the battery contacts, it is some temperature sensor problem.

After the trick I did some monitoring of the /sys/class/power_supply/battery/temp, and there are no longer those large jumps in temperature (>10 degC in a second). It seems that it is still monitoring the temperature as it is going up and down. I am not able to reach those >70 degC temperature readings though any more.

Jukka L ( 2014-12-30 13:18:42 +0200 )edit

@Jukka L Exactly! For some users a combination of both "tricks" might be a solution. BTW: I use sticky tape instead of paper / business card. :)

Moth ( 2014-12-30 13:27:15 +0200 )edit

I'll add this trick to the first post.

nthn ( 2014-12-30 13:55:27 +0200 )edit

Will try this. Didn't have any shutdowns or reboots for a few months, but after update 10 it is back again :(

Neo ( 2014-12-30 15:37:41 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-01-03 09:01:44 +0200

teun gravatar image

okay well the complete reset did the job. back to factory settings it was for me, after that update to latest firmware.. no issues anymore

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Reopened because of reports of factory settings not resolving the problem, and because the root cause is yet to be determined.

jsiren ( 2014-01-09 17:29:21 +0200 )edit

I have a feeling that in my case it's cell tower related. It only happens in a certain area with 2G network traffic going on.

pycage ( 2014-01-09 19:40:43 +0200 )edit

Whereas I have seen this happen all over with no apparent relation to traffic.

jsiren ( 2014-01-09 23:07:56 +0200 )edit

@pycage living in Paris ?

Ok that s happen to my device also, specially in Paris. When i m in the metro or in a train, device start to displaying Network Error notification in loop, begin to lag, didn't respond,then reboot is only option.

I ve activated persistent option in journal, as after reboot logs vanished. And as i leave Paris since i ve done that, i didn't got any problem. So i ll wait next week when i return to Paris to see if i got it again and capture some logs.


Khertan ( 2014-01-10 13:12:34 +0200 )edit

I' ve had similiar "lag" problems when the phone was saying: 'network error". It keeps trying to connect and this will make the phone unuseable.

BonoNL ( 2014-01-10 13:35:41 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-01-27 17:36:24 +0200

jukey gravatar image

updated 2014-02-14 11:27:43 +0200

Update: It also happens again using firmware version (updated 20140-02-14)

(converterted to an answer as I need to link it somewhere (which is not possible with comments) I also discovered the random shutdown issue. I can confirm that it seems to be very related to the area I was located. I was on vacation 400 km from home and the phone was shutting down several times a day - when I was back home it worked again without shutdown. The random shutdown problem appeared:

  • while using the firmware you will get when doing a factory reset
  • while using the latest firmware (
  • with micro SD card inside
  • without micro SD card inside

Regarding the network I can't say to much but I was in an area with lot of 2g connectivity only.

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To me it never happened before upgrading to But it does now from times to times.

Aequanix ( 2014-02-12 16:37:55 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-02-11 12:08:47 +0200

tneo gravatar image

This is getting very annoying. I only experience this behavior since the upgrade to and the Jolla restarted in the middle of a phone call. At first it seemed related to the connectivity, but my restart in the middle of a call didn't comply with that theory, as I didn't move away from my seat behind my desk.

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answered 2014-04-20 19:03:03 +0200

lofi gravatar image

For me it got even worse with the update to!

Same here :(

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For me too. :(

Matti ( 2014-04-21 20:05:21 +0200 )edit

Same here reboots two to five times daliy !!!?? At incoming calls , browsing programs etc. ? Ver.

Mr.Thumb ( 2014-05-06 12:24:46 +0200 )edit

A couple of days ago was the first time I experienced this. I was in a really crowded area so it could have mobile network related. I received a call and after a couple of seconds the call got dropped without any warning sounds beeping etc and then the phone rebooted. After reboot it rebooted again and after that I was able to call again. Hasn't happened since.

Wizah ( 2014-05-19 13:20:39 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2013-12-30 22:04:14 +0200

Seen: 60,008 times

Last updated: Oct 12 '18