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Jolla randomly shuts down

asked 2013-12-30 22:04:14 +0300

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updated 2015-05-20 01:45:14 +0300

Neo gravatar image

Numerous users have an issue with the phone rebooting by itself. User testing has revealed that it most likely has something to do with the battery. If this is happening to you, there are two ways you can probably solve the problem. You can either:

  • take out the phone battery, and rub all contact areas on the battery and the phone with a regular eraser, then just put the battery back in.
  • take a small piece of paper and put it between the bottom of the battery and the phone, so it makes better contact.
  • put a bit of paper between the battery and the phone body (as seen here)

If neither of these solutions helps at all, please mention this and edit this post to include that information.

It would be nice to read an official statement on the issue, if this is something related to the manufacturing process or something else.

edit 06.04.2015 (MacManus): i noticed that my jolla reboots on weak network connections (can't reproduce in wlan). If i'm in an area with weak network, my jolla constantly reboots. If i didn't activate my sim, the phone didn't reboot. As soon as i activate sim and get mobile network connection, the jolla reboots.

Edit 20.05.2015: Anyone with this problem please see this answer, it seems that they finally have a clue about how to fix this issue.

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I'm experiencing this same problem starting today. I haven't installed any new updates / apps since the last SW update 2 days ago. Sometimes after the shut down the phone refuses to turn back on. Trying different things with the phone now to track the problem down.

EDIT: After the shut down happens, the phone turns back on on first try if I plug in the charger.

fAzu ( 2013-12-30 22:13:32 +0300 )edit

I have my Jolla phone turned on for 24/7 and it's also updated to this recent firmware and haven't ever seen such unintentional shut downs. None. Nothing even close to that. So definitely can't confirm this. There is a change you may have problems with hardware.

Simakuutio ( 2013-12-30 22:14:29 +0300 )edit

I've had 2 reboots so far, but both were before update and while I was not actively using the device. I can't really say anything else about the cases, but I think I had nothing special running, just WiFi/3G and Settings or something. What apps and networks are you using when this happens?

Julle ( 2013-12-30 22:16:30 +0300 )edit
  1. Did you try hard reset for solve some issue ?
    1. if yes, try to run CSD tool on your phone for discover any abnormal hardware malfunctionality before return your product for hardware repair
    2. pully down, select phone, input code (i can't show the code) and follow instructions and we wait feedback you can find the code here http://jollafr.org/un-utilitaire-secret-pour-tester-toutes-les-fonctionnalites-de-votre-jolla/
redge73 ( 2013-12-30 23:03:06 +0300 )edit

Ok, so after removing my battery for a longer period (roughly 10 minutes) the problem vanished. Seems like a software glitch. I cannot recreate this behavior for now, but I'll monitor my workflow in case the problem reappears.

fAzu ( 2013-12-31 10:18:51 +0300 )edit

75 Answers

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answered 2014-05-12 04:44:05 +0300

Bnurb gravatar image

For the first time I had a shut down issue today, the phone suddenly shut down while I was using it. Then it crashed every time on reboot, while showing Jolla logo.

The was due to the microSD which was incorrectly inserted.

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answered 2014-05-15 23:46:31 +0300

rob12424 gravatar image

updated 2014-05-17 11:57:19 +0300

I think it is a network stack related problem: I''m Dutch. If I visit www.fok.nl. tab a news item from the left and than scroll down in the reactions cpu is up and phone is getting hot or shutting down. Enlarging the cache, shorting treshold, or enlarging the request and time interval in connection can maybe solve the problem? (however I can''t do that because I'm not a programmer)

However it is linux. So is it possible to enable a logging function and send the logs away to research on it?

I asked Jolla care:

Jolla (Jolla Service and Support)

May 16 16:04


Browsing: I went to www.fok.nl with Jolla running a candidate of the upcoming SailfishOS release of May. I opened several items in LAATSTE ITEMS and browsed through the comments from various people. The browser worked ok mostly but sometimes there was a short (2-5 seconds) delay before it was able to render some more comments - during those moments a grey background was shown instead of the comments to appear. The behaviour of Jolla browser was not perfect but also not horrible. While browsing I was connected to the Jolla WLAN network.

Heating and shutdows: The CPU temperature can go up to 100 degrees before the warning on overheating is issued. If the temperature rises to 120 degrees then the phone turns itself off.

Logging: You can collect the standard log items with the Terminal app or over an SSH connection (turn the developer mode on first, and allow remote connections; then create an SSH password for yourself). Give the commands:

devel-su # this requires the SSH password journalctl -f > /home/nemo/MyLog1.txt # -f allows you to keep collecting new events as they occur journalctl -a > /home/nemo/MyLog2.txt # -a takes the events that are in the ring buffer of the phone atthe time of issueing this command.

Please let us know if you want to send your phone to service (in Finland).

Sincerely, Jolla Customer Care

Operating hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 - 17.00 GMT +2, not including public holidays (Finland)

Join the Movement @ jolla.com Like @ facebook.com/jollaofficial Follow on twitter @ JollaHQ

May 16 14:11

Hello Sir,

The phone shows warnings of overheating. And lighthouse has a delay but the temp. is around 57. The CPU feels really hot.

Sometimes it just shutdown.

I took the battery out for 10 seconds. Like proposed in other mails to other people and putted a piece of paper in. (to get it on its place more) and turned it on 2G instead of 3g. Factory reset also done.

You can reproduce it to go to: www.fok.nl and than select a news item and scroll down in the reactions. (webcat and browser same experience)

Especially with bad reception! (sometimes also bluetooth)

(I think broken packages that are recieved are not handled now and if bad reception than the timestamps or time has a delay in the packages) and than that error isn't handled well.

I can wait that long and els I'm gonna ask the Debian community to help with putting on logs and look at that. (they are reall fast in helping with the N900)

But there is a log function and a way to put it on right? Why not ask to put it on and send logs over?

Gr. Rob,

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answered 2014-05-31 14:54:46 +0300

Sadly in my case it doesn't help at all folding a paper at the bottom of the battery, maybe something with the software?

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in my case i could reproduce the problem when i took off toh and held the jolla between two fingers by its longest flanks. then, when i touch gently the back of the jolla with one finger between simcard holder and battery, it would always shut down. every single time. maybe try doing that? my jolla is currently back in finland... hopefully they can fix it

mlatu ( 2014-06-03 10:33:16 +0300 )edit

Sadly after the latest update to I am also now experiencing the random reboots. Can happen any time, any app, any level of battery. Taking the battery out and then replacing it does seem to help at least for a while. Also the battery is that tight in the case that I cant wedge in even a thin piece of paper.

sugnea ( 2014-06-17 18:44:59 +0300 )edit

I thought my battery is fitting very tightly as well, but if you take it out, slip in a paper first and then click in the battery, it'll fit. I only did this a short while back so I don't yet know if it actually helps. But it seems to have worked for quite a few people. I also cleaned the contacts with a rubber for a good measure...

mornfall ( 2014-08-05 01:46:52 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-06-26 10:28:05 +0300

Sami gravatar image

My shutdown problem solved when I kept phone without battery at least 12 hours. You should try that.

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answered 2014-07-09 19:39:43 +0300

SaimenSays gravatar image

No reboots for a few days now. I have done following:

  1. Get conman update.
  2. Disabled 4G (Because my provider only supports 7.2Mbit, Jolla disables mobile data completely and then I need to reboot).
  3. Checking htop every few hours or when I remember device gets warm. Mitäkuuluu some times takes 100%. Then it heats up and causes reset by overheating in the end.
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answered 2014-07-15 21:23:09 +0300

maurice_moss gravatar image

Since update I'm having the shutdown problems (20-30 in one day, related to energy consumption e.g. opening camera application, bad reception). Unfortunately the latest update didn't change anything, please solve this issue immediately! I can barely use my Jolla!

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answered 2014-07-21 23:42:13 +0300

Neo gravatar image

updated 2014-11-02 01:03:18 +0300

After update I had two or three shutdowns in two days. Decided to take the paper out to see what will happen. Already three days without shutdowns.

The folded paper trick did it for me until the update. After that update a few shutdowns again, tried also with taking the paper out, but that day I had many shutdowns so I put a new paper back and no shutdowns afterwards.

Did anyone else try to take the paper out after

Edit 1.8.14.: The three days without shutdowns were just lucky days. Happening again once daily or once in two days. Putting the paper back again, but it looks to me that my Jolla will be sent for repair some time soon.

Edit 10.8.14.:Removed the paper again and tried something new: https://together.jolla.com/question/7144/jolla-randomly-shuts-down-10819/#post-id-52658. Four days without shutdowns, it looks promising.

Edit 1.11.14.:After sending my Jolla for repair (they installed the battery cushion and cleaned the connectors), I had a period of 37 days without reboots and shutdowns. Until today... So sad... And one more thing: after that sudden reboot all my folders were gone! (see https://together.jolla.com/question/48129/bug-folders-missing-after-crash/).

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I had the paper long time ago... But before updating to I didn't had it any more. After updating I had also a few shutdowns, but since a week no more shutdowns.

torcida ( 2014-07-22 12:43:07 +0300 )edit

The three days without shutdowns were just lucky days. Happening again once daily or once in two days. Putting the paper back again, but it looks to me that my Jolla will be sent for repair some time soon.

Neo ( 2014-08-01 11:57:07 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-07-22 13:32:12 +0300

Makeclick gravatar image

I use and no shutdowns. I have only the paper trick. I did have shutdown problem with previous version. Reboot problem is long gone for me. Very happy!

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answered 2014-08-17 16:38:29 +0300

The 1 And Only gravatar image

I had the same problem until a few weeks ago, I got really tired of it and I thought it might be a hardware problem. so I folded a piece of paper twice, then i put in the bottom of the battery so it pushed the connectors together, and it haven't rebooted or shutdown since then.

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answered 2014-08-21 13:05:34 +0300

Richie Cotton gravatar image

updated 2014-08-21 13:06:26 +0300

I had this problem recently. My Jolla kept randomly rebooting, and when I turned it off and on again on purpose it would take half a dozen attempts to get as far as the login prompt.

After removing the back cover I discovered that the SD card was half out of its slot, and making incorrect contacts. After I replaced the card properly, the problem stopped.

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Asked: 2013-12-30 22:04:14 +0300

Seen: 58,624 times

Last updated: Oct 12 '18