Flickering display brightness [answered]
Hi, I just got my Jolla, but alas I have problems.
Specifically is the screen, I have basically the flickering
is the phone? or is a software problem?
Sailfish Version
also if the approach Jolla to my ear I hear a beep that is continuous when the screen is on and increases in intensity when doing flicker ....
edit: and I just noticed that the problem does not mind if I'm in airplane mode !!
edit2: the flicker problem only occurs when wifi OR bluetooth are on !!!
any advice? I'm the only one with this problem?
Just so you know, an update to Sailfish will be released on Monday. https://together.jolla.com/question/71741/release-notes-software-version-11127-vaarainjarvi/
You will see if the problem is on the software or hardware side. Also, did you have this problem before updating to ?
ced117 ( 2014-12-20 16:39:17 +0200 )editIt is much more sensitive softwarewise. So much i had to stop holding it landscape with sensor lower right since my hand/thumb caused the flickering and turning the screen dark. It is still much better than the old setting when it was impossible to use in bright conditions due to the too slow adaptation.
ljo ( 2014-12-20 17:11:22 +0200 )editDuplicate with https://together.jolla.com/question/62686/bug-display-backlight-flickering-in-low-light-conditions/ ?
simo ( 2014-12-20 18:01:04 +0200 )editI honestly do not remember if the problem was already with the previous version.
Should I do a reset.
Wait for tomorrow to, Vaarainjärvi
vimana ( 2014-12-21 13:03:38 +0200 )edit