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[Official announcement] Jolla Tablet returns to Indiegogo with updated tech specs! [not a question]

asked 2015-01-29 17:07:21 +0200

cybette gravatar image

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Dear Jolla Community,

We are proud to tell you that the world's first crowdsourced tablet, the Jolla Tablet, has returned to Indiegogo.com. After the successful first phase of our Indiegogo campaign in Nov-Dec last year, we’re now moving to the next phase, and continuing our campaign on Indiegogo at least until the end of February 2015.

A big THANK YOU to those of you who have already contributed to the Jolla Tablet in the first phase, and helping us reach the two stretch goals! The development work is progressing really well, especially with your feedback and input. We aim to ship the first tablets in May 2015. Please note that the delivery date is subject to change. In any event, we will keep you updated on the schedule in our update emails.

For those of you who missed the first wave, here's another opportunity to contribute to the Jolla Tablet! In this second phase of the campaign the Jolla Tablet price (32GB @ 219 USD / 64GB @ 249 USD) will still be lower than what the expected retail price will be later this year. By contributing now you’ll receive the Jolla Tablet in the second quarter this year, right after the first contributors.

We now have some exciting news and updates for you.

Hardware update: microSD + new 64GB model + bigger battery

If you've contributed to the Jolla Tablet in the first phase, we want to thank you again for helping us reach the stretch goal of $1.5M and enabling the support for up to 128GB microSD cards. This stretch goal generated lots of good discussion in our community, and we listened closely.

We have decided to move forward with using an open source file system (ext2/3/4) for the memory card. This enables you to use memory cards up to 128GB on your Jolla Tablet for back-ups and additional storage. However since we will not be supporting the SDXC format using the exFAT file system, cards over 32GB formatted for use in the Jolla Tablet will not be readable with Windows/MacOS computers or cameras/phones/tablets that advertise microSDXC support. It is possible to access the microSD card via USB when the Jolla Tablet is connected by MTP, or to install separate drivers in Windows/MacOS to mount and access the EXT file system directly, and we can provide how-tos. We apologize if this causes some inconvenience, but we feel that this suits best to our community's wishes and Jolla's values.

We’ve also decided to introduce the 64GB Jolla Tablet! Just select the bigger memory perk and you will not run out of memory too quickly. If you’ve already contributed to the 32GB version earlier you can easily upgrade to 64GB with just $25 by selecting the specific perk. Please note that this upgrade price is only valid for 2014 contributions.

Further updates: the battery size has been slightly increased to 4450mAh (previously 4300mAh), the display is fully laminated, and we've added gyroscope and compass sensors. However, proximity sensor will not be included in the Jolla Tablet unlike previously mentioned.

We’re really excited about this second campaign phase, and hope you are too. Join us in making the first Jolla Sailfish OS tablet a reality!

Jolla team

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The question has been closed for the following reason "not a real question" by eric
close date 2015-04-14 10:08:39.030940



I first paid for a tablet that, like the Jolla phone, was restricted to SD cards up to 32GB. Like with the Jolla phone, I expected it could be tricked into supporting cards >32GB. (By re-formatting the card, wgich one should never do if it can be avoided.)

Then came the stretch goal and I paid again, assuming that it could of course only be about the exFAT file system for proper SDXC support. Again: ExtSomething>32GB isn't a new achievement and not something I'd have paid for separately. I paid because I wanted to use a standard compliant SDXC card >32GB with the tablet, out of the box, exactly as pre-formated by the vendor.

So if you don't support exFAT now - what exactly did you use my money for? From the post above I read this whole SD card strech goal was a lie.

ossi1967 ( 2015-01-29 20:03:15 +0200 )edit

@ossi1967 I don't know if it was a lie or if they got just steamrolled. At the very least, they got pushed into backtracking by a very vocal fraction of this community. Nobody can tell me that they were surprised that exFAT would involve licensing fees. Would make me question their research prior to the campaign. However, here is what annoys me the most:

@cybette make it easier for everybody: don't write "will not work with Mac OS X and Windows" since it will also not work with any other free OS (like BSD, which would have worked with exFAT, the purpose of standards, like them or not), just write "will only work on GNU/Linux".

Still wondering if I get the upgrade as the SD slot is now useless for me. In a way I do not want to support this business strategy...

sidv ( 2015-01-29 20:37:29 +0200 )edit

I think by eliminating the exFat support you crippled the tablet for the non tech people that will/would/might buy it. PEOPLE EXPECT THINGS TO WORK DAMN IT. Not ideology driven decisions influenced by the foss taliban. And yes. There are people that payed for exFAT. And those must be compensated since you are not including it.

ApB ( 2015-01-29 20:50:50 +0200 )edit

Is the microsdxc dropped altogether or only for cards above 32 gb?

tortoisedoc ( 2015-01-29 20:53:09 +0200 )edit

@tortoisedoc SDXC support mandates exFAT as the file system, independent of size. However, SDHC does not. So, 32 GB cards may work as SDHC but they will certainly not be able to advertise SDXC compliance as that would, as defined by the standard, involve full exFAT support.

sidv ( 2015-01-29 21:10:32 +0200 )edit

15 Answers

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answered 2015-04-02 17:15:38 +0200

Samuel_Burg gravatar image

Hi Jolla Team,

You write "will not be readable with Windows/MacOS computers" ... this is badly wrong ... I read ext2/3/4 file system every day from windows OS at home and at work ! From windows OS there are quite stable softwares freely available to read (+/-write) ext file system. And it's peace of a cake to read(+/-write) ext file system from OSX !

Correct information would rather be : "will not be NATIVELY readable with Windows/MacOS computers".

Anyways, half of my computer & most of my servers run linux os, so it perfect for me, many thanks !

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answered 2015-01-29 19:39:48 +0200

kopsi gravatar image

If I claim the combo, how do I finalise the phone order in the store? Do I get a coupon? Because there's a sweet combo with two extra other sides ATM...

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You'll get a coupon code. But I doubt it will be valid for the combo. Although it would be cool.

dac ( 2015-01-29 22:09:55 +0200 )edit

@kopsi@dac Yes you'll get a coupon code to the Jolla online shop, and it can be applied to the bundle with 2 TOHs :)

Just keep in mind that the Jolla online shop is shipping to EU countries, Switzerland and Norway (fewer countries than the tablet)

cybette ( 2015-01-29 22:17:20 +0200 )edit

@cybette interesting. I just tried my coupon code from last year. Because I didn't order it just yet. It tells me it is invalid. I tried for the Jolla Combo with 2 TOHs... :-( Is there a way to check this?

dac ( 2015-01-29 22:46:49 +0200 )edit

@dac Please contact Jolla Care https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new to check on your code, I don't have info about individual codes. Good luck!

cybette ( 2015-01-29 22:50:43 +0200 )edit

@cybette thx. Now it worked, after contacting support... :-)

dac ( 2015-01-30 15:10:32 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-01-30 16:45:20 +0200

dac gravatar image

A bit sad thing is, It would have come out cheaper ordering everything now and not end of last year... :-(

Then: First sailor tablet for 189usd + combo upgrade perk 279usd + now 25usd upgrade to 64gb = 493usd

Now: 64gb combo perk = 449 usd

Shipping is the same...

Meh. Bad luck.

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But you realize, that the Jolla phone did cost +100€ back then?

ejjoman ( 2015-01-30 17:01:08 +0200 )edit

No, it was practically available for the same 249 euros in Jolla shop. Of course as "offer", but one offer was succeeded by the next. As far as I heard it was even possible to order the phone for 199 shortly before the campaign, due to offer plus some coupons that were distributed... But about that I cannot say for sure.

I know because someone I know ordered it in the store during the campaign.

dac ( 2015-01-30 17:13:21 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-01-31 08:52:25 +0200

null gravatar image

Does the money you make in this second campaign count towards the 3.5G stretch goal from the original campaign?

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Don't think so because they are gone from the campaing page (still visible on the updates about them), and they decided to scarp the exFat-license one anyway.

avhakola ( 2015-01-31 12:28:55 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-04-09 09:27:26 +0200

thaikone gravatar image

Hi, I totally missed the fact there was opportunity to get a perk to upgrade my early bird Jolla tablet to a 64gb version and now the campaign is closed. Is there anyway to do that anymore or do I just have to buy a full priced 64gb version when it comes out? Since deliveries are only in June, it would be nice if this perk could still be claimed, even with a higher price.

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@thaikone Think you should better ask here.

rburkhanov ( 2015-04-09 09:54:44 +0200 )edit

You read your emails once every 3 months? :P

Sthocs ( 2015-04-09 12:36:27 +0200 )edit

@thaikone We sent several emails to our backers about the second wave of the campaign and the upgrades! In fact I was a little worried that we were getting too spammy :P

Please submit a request through the link shared by @rburkhanov, I can't guarantee anything, but we'll see if something can be done.

cybette ( 2015-04-09 23:16:51 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2015-01-29 17:07:21 +0200

Seen: 4,844 times

Last updated: Apr 09 '15