Show proper length of songs over one hour [released]
Songs with longer duration than one hour are only showing the length in minutes over the last full hour. This causes a track of 62 minutes 49 seconds (1:02:49) be shown as 02:49 in the Media application. Also if the user scrolls the seek bar to over 59 minutes, 59 seconds the seek bar's value is shown counting from zero.
I have multiple mixes that are over 1 hour in my music library and it's confusing to see then listed as short tracks.
Great that someone has reported this. I wouldn't say that this is a big problem. It is just a little bit annoying and I hope that it will be fixed sometime in the future. I can see how easy it is to not notice this bug when developing, and I only noticed it since I mostly listen to PODcasts.
k.gramner ( 2013-12-25 14:50:04 +0200 )editI also noticed that bug. I vote for this issue.
w32blaster ( 2013-12-30 08:28:29 +0200 )editSame bug in gallery
kelvan ( 2014-01-05 18:51:02 +0200 )editJust for completion here is a video demonstrating this bug: Video
Strahlex ( 2014-02-19 15:38:21 +0200 )editdoes anyone know when this was fixed? or was it even fixed?
chemist ( 2014-03-05 15:12:38 +0200 )edit