[bug] deleted contact reappears
I already saw a post about unable to remove contacts permanently, but it does not have a solution. my problem is not only two way contact like gmail or face contacts , but say even if i add a new contact with just a mobile number, i am unable to delete it after uts created. i mean when i delete it goes off, but it reappears after some time. i tried creating so many new contacts and it happens again with all. i am also unable to modify the number, when i modify it and the old number reappears. i have this problem from long time. i have latest version yviaalanmpi. please help
I have the same problem. Not related with Sim card problem more probably witch two way contacts (gmail) since they should also get pushed to gmail after creating them.
renegade22 ( 2015-04-06 20:25:42 +0200 )edit